Gene Pitney
- Tracks und covers -
- bio + discogr ohne tracks u. cover - Nachruf 2006,1518,409937,00.html - Engl. Nachruf - DE Eintrag Wikipedia
Platten in meinem Angebot

A Golden Hour Of Gene Pitney

A Tribute To Burt Bacharach


Backstage - The Greatest Hits And More (Neuaufnahmen)

Big Sixteen Vol. 2

Big Sixteen, Vol. 3

Bobby Rydell, Johnny Rivers, Neil Sedaka, Gene Pitney

Discotheque Au Go Go


Gene Pitney & Melba Montgomery

Gene Pitney (Europa Compil)

Gene Pitney Sings The Great Songs Of Our Time

Golden Greats

Hit Collection (DLP)

Hulla Baloo!

I Must Be Seeing Things

Im Gonna Be Strong (UK)

It´s Over (4-Track 12")

Just One Smile

Let The Heartaches Begin / All By Myself

Looking Through The Eyes Of Love

Nobody Needs Your Love

Oldies But Goldies (6.23411)

Pop Chronik 6 (DLP)

Roger Miller Meets Johnny Rivers and Gene Pitney

Roger Miller Meets Johnny Rivers and Gene Pitney

Running Away From Love

Running Away From Love

She´s A Heartbreaker

Sounds Spectactular - 20 World Hits Produced by Phil Spector

Sounds Spectactular - 20 World Hits Produced by Phil Spector


Ten Years Later

The Best of Gene Pitney

The Country Side Of Gene Pitney

The Golden Hits of Gene Pitney

This is Gene Pitney Singing The Platters

Together - Burt Bacharach & Hal David Sung By Gene Pitney

Town Without Pity

Town Without Pity

Twentyfour Hours From Tulsa - 10 Big Hits

Young And Warm And Wonderful

Amici Mei(San Remo 1965)/Saro Forte (ImmGonna Be Strong)

Il Cantanti Stranieri al festival di Sanremo (Ausländische Interpreten beim San Remo Festival)

A Golden Hour Of Gene Pitney

A Tribute To Burt Bacharach


Backstage - The Greatest Hits And More (Neuaufnahmen)

Big Sixteen Vol. 2

Big Sixteen, Vol. 3

Bobby Rydell, Johnny Rivers, Neil Sedaka, Gene Pitney

Discotheque Au Go Go


Gene Pitney & Melba Montgomery

Gene Pitney (Europa Compil)

Gene Pitney Sings The Great Songs Of Our Time

Golden Greats

Hit Collection (DLP)

Hulla Baloo!

I Must Be Seeing Things

Im Gonna Be Strong (UK)

It´s Over (4-Track 12")

Just One Smile

Let The Heartaches Begin / All By Myself

Looking Through The Eyes Of Love

Nobody Needs Your Love

Oldies But Goldies (6.23411)

Pop Chronik 6 (DLP)

Roger Miller Meets Johnny Rivers and Gene Pitney

Roger Miller Meets Johnny Rivers and Gene Pitney

Running Away From Love

Running Away From Love

She´s A Heartbreaker

Sounds Spectactular - 20 World Hits Produced by Phil Spector

Sounds Spectactular - 20 World Hits Produced by Phil Spector


Ten Years Later

The Best of Gene Pitney

The Country Side Of Gene Pitney

The Golden Hits of Gene Pitney

This is Gene Pitney Singing The Platters

Together - Burt Bacharach & Hal David Sung By Gene Pitney

Town Without Pity

Town Without Pity

Twentyfour Hours From Tulsa - 10 Big Hits

Young And Warm And Wonderful

Amici Mei(San Remo 1965)/Saro Forte (ImmGonna Be Strong)
Il Cantanti Stranieri al festival di Sanremo (Ausländische Interpreten beim San Remo Festival)
- Alben:
- The Many Sides Of Gene Pitney
- Only Love Can Break A Heart
Gene Pitney Sings World Wide Winners 1962
Sings Just For You 1963
Blue Gene 1963
Meets The Fair Young Ladies Of Folkland 1963
Gene Italiano 1964
It Hurts To Be In Love 1964
Gene Pitney Espanol 1965
- I Must Be Seeing Things
Looking Through The Eyes Of Love 1965
Backstage 1966
The Country Side of Gene Pitney 1966
- Nessuno Mi Puo Giudicare
- Young And Warm And Wonderful
Just One Smile 1967
Sings Bacharach, David And Others 1968
The Gene Pitney Story 1968
Pitney Today 1968
She`s A Heartbreaker 1968
Golden Platters 1969
Ten Years After 1971
"LIVE" In The 90`s 1990
mit George Jones:
Gene & George Recorded In Nashville 1964
It`s Country Time Again 1965
mit Melba Montgomery:
- Being Together 1965
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