Anita Bryant
- ausf. engl. Bio - neuer bio mit aktuellen links - DE-Eintrag
Platten in meinem Angebot
The Miracle Of Christmas
The Original Hits Volume 8
World Without Love
Anita Bryant´s Greatest Hits
As Long As He Needs Me
I Believe
Kisses Sweeter Than Wine
The Miracle Of Christmas
The Original Hits Volume 8
World Without Love
Anita Bryant´s Greatest Hits
As Long As He Needs Me
I Believe
Kisses Sweeter Than Wine
- 1959 Anita Bryant
1960 Hear Anita Bryant in Your Home Tonight mono LP 12/127 1
1961 In My Little Corner of the World STLP 12/132
1961 Kisses Sweeter Than Wine BBL 7531
1962 Abiding Love CS 8567
1962 In a Velvet Mood
1963 As Long as He Needs Me CS 8835 stereo/CL 2035 mono
1964 The Best Of Johnny Desmond / Anita Bryant At Jubilee `64
1964 The World Of Lonely People CS-9022
1966 Mine Eyes Have Seen The Glory CS 9373
1967 In Remembrance Of You (The Story of A Love Affair)
1968 How Great Thou Art CS 9642
1968 I Believe CS 9506
1970 Abide With Me WST-8532-LP
1970 World Without Love HS-11395
1972 Love Lifted Me WST-8540-LP
1972 The Miracle Of Christmas WST 8558
1972 You`ll Never Walk Alone H 31181
1973 Battle Hymn Of The Republic WST 8571
- 1975 All - Time Favorite Hymns
- 2.50
- rate
- 1976 Old Fashioned Prayin` rate
- 1977 Singing A New Song
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