Damita Jo
- Bio Redcaps with Damita Jo
http://home.att.net/~marvy42/Redcaps/redcaps.html - wikipedia EN - Eintrag

Galaxy - Music From Sixteen Great Artists (Mono)

Galaxy - Music From Sixteen Great Artists (Stereo)

I´ll Save The last Dance For You (RI)

If You Go Away

Miss Damita Jo
- 1960 I'll Save The Last Dance For You" (# 22 pop, # 16 R&B)
Damita also recorded 'I Had Someone Else Before I Had You' and 'I'll Get Along Somehow'. -
1961 "I'll Be There" from 1961 (# 12 pop, # 15 R&B) (Anser to Ben. E. King stand By Me)
1966 "If You Go Away",(Adaption of "Ne Me Quitte Pas")
The Big Fifteen (Paramount 1961)
I'll Save the Last Dance for You (Mercury 1961)
Sing a Country Song (Mercury 1962)
Damita Jo at the Diplomat (Live album - Mercury 1962)
This Is Damita Jo (Epic 1965)
Damita Jo Sings (Vee-Jay 1965)
If You Go Away (Epic 1965)
- Miss Damita Jo (Ranwood 1968)
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