Dave Edmunds
- engl. Wikiepdia-Eintrag
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dave_Edmunds - Homapage
http://www.daveedmundsmusic.com/ - De-Eintrag
Platten in meinem Angebot

Girls Talk / Bad Is Bad


Queen Of Hearts /The Creature From The Black Lagoon


The Classic Tracks 1968 / 72 - Dave Edmunfs & Love Sculpture

Girls Talk / Bad Is Bad

Queen Of Hearts /The Creature From The Black Lagoon


The Classic Tracks 1968 / 72 - Dave Edmunfs & Love Sculpture
- Singles:
* 1969 - Sabre Dance
* 1969 - Farandole
* 1970 - I Hear You Knockin`
* 1972 - Baby I Love You
* 1973 - Born To Be With You
* 1976 - Here Comes The Weekend
* 1977 - I Knew The Bride
* 1979 - Girls Talk
* 1980 - Singing The Blues
* 1982 - Deep In The Heart Of Texas
* 1982 - From Small Things, Big Things Will Come
* 1983 - Slipping Away
* 1990 - Closer To The Flame
* 1972 - Rockpile
* 1975 - Subtle As A Flying Mallet
* 1977 - Get It
* 1977 - Rocker - The Early Works 1968/1972 (Doppel-LP)
* 1978 - Track On Wax 4
* 1979 - Repeat When Necessary
* 1981 - Twangin...
* 1982 - D.E.7
* 1983 - Information
* 1984 - Riff Raff
- * 1987 - I Hear You Rockin´/ The Hits Live
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