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Johnny Cash and June Carter - Give My Love To Rose (LP)

Discographie von Johnny Cash and June Carter

S 53114

Johnny Cash and June Carter
Give My Love To Rose

Eintrag bei DISCOGS (extern)

NL 1972, LP, C&W/Folk
Aufnahme: Stereo
Zustand: vg+ + / vg++

sowie Jasckson, It Aint Me Babe, Danny Boy u.a.

Preis in Euro: 6,00 €

Albumcover Johnny Cash and June Carter - Give My Love To Rose
Coveransicht: Johnny Cash and June Carter - Give My Love To Rose

Johnny Cash"The Ballad Of Ira Hayes"
Johnny Cash and June Carter"Shantytown"
Johnny Cash and June Carter"I Got A Woman"
Johnny Cash and June Carter"Pack Up Your Sorrows"
Johnny Cash and June Carter"It Aint Me Babe"
Johnny Cash"Orange Blossom Special"
Johnny Cash and June Carter"Jackson"
Johnny Cash"Give My Love To Rose"
Johnny Cash and June Carter"Austin Prison"
Johnny Cash"Danny Boy"