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R (Dischi Recordi)

D197445.002In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
DrupiDrupi (The Original)
D197445.002In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
DrupiDrupi (The Original)
D197445.002In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
DrupiDrupi (The Original)
DRI (First 1976)0045.001In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
MilvaThe Original Milva
DRI 1976/77 (Orig. 1971)0015.927In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
MilvaMilva canta Brecht
IT1966MRL 6054
Bobby SoloLe Canzoni del West
IT1975SMRL 6165In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
IT1978 SMRL 6217In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
MilvaCanzoni tra le due guerre - Registrato in dirette al Piccolo Teatro di Milano nell ottobre 1977

Logo des Labels R  (Dischi Recordi)


B19744 C 006 95707In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
MudRocket / The Ladies
D1 C 062-96 902In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
MudMud´s Greatest Hits
D19731 C 006-94 879In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Suzi QuatroDaytona Demon / Roman Fingers
D19741 006-95 129In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Suzi QuatroDevil Gate Drive / In The Morning
D19741 006-95 129In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Suzi QuatroDevil Gate Drive / In The Morning
D19741 C 006 - 95260
Hot ChocolateEmma / Makin Music
D19741 C 062-95931
Suzi QuatroQuatro
D1974Hör Zu SHZE 414In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Various GB-ArtistsRAK Rocks
D19751 C 006-96 936 U
SmokieDont Play Your Rock n Roll To Me / Talking Her Round (Smokey ! auf Cover und Label)
D1975RAK 1 C 006 - 96 860In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Chris SpeddingMotor Bikin / Working For The Union
D1976 1 C 006-98 451
SmokieLiving Next Door To Alice / Run To You
D1976 1 C 006-98 451In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
SmokieLiving Next Door To Alice / Run To You (NUR COVER)
D19761 036-98 461
Suzi QuatroBravo praesentiert Suzi Quatro
D19761 C 038-98 458
Hot ChocolateBravo präsentiert Hot Chocolate
D19761 C 038-98 457
SmokieBravo präsentiert Smokie
D19761 C 038-98 457In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
SmokieBravo präsentiert Smokie
D19761 C 062 - 96 904
Suzi QuatroThe Suzy Quatro Story - 12 Golden Hits
D1976RAK 227
SmokieSomethings Been Making Me Blue / Train Song
D19771 C 038-99 040
Rod StewartBravo präsentiert Rod Stewart, featuring Ron Wood, Jeff Beck u.a.
D19771 C 074-60 234
Hot ChocolateXIV Greatest Hits
D19781 006-60 444In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Suzi QuatroIf You Cant Give Me Love / Cream Dream
D19781 006-60 444In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Suzi QuatroIf You Cant Give Me Love / Cream Dream
D19781 C 006-61 616
SmokieMexican Girl / You Took Me By Sorprise
D19781 C 006-61 907
Chris NormanStumblin In / A Stranger Withe You
D19781 C 006-61 907In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Chris NormanStumblin In / A Stranger Withe You
D19781 C 064-60 499In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Hot ChocolateEvery 1´s A Winner
D19781 C 064-60 499In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Hot ChocolateEvery 1´s A Winner
D19781 C064-61 505In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
SmokieThe Montreux Album
D19781 C064-61 505In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
SmokieThe Montreux Album
D19781 C064-61 505
SmokieThe Montreux Album
D19791 C 074-63 261In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
RaceySmash and Grab
D19791 C 074-63 261
RaceySmash and Grab
D19791 C 008-63 338In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
SmokieBabe Its Up To You / Did She Have To Go Away
D19791 C 074-63 247In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Suzi QuatroSuzie And Other Four Letter Words
D19801 C 008-63 644In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
SmokieSan Francisco Bay / Youre You
D19811 C 008-64 637In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
SmokieLittle Town Flirt / I´m In Love With You
D19811 C 008-64 637In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
SmokieLittle Town Flirt / I´m In Love With You
D19831 C 064-99 294
D19871 A 006-20 1583 7In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Hot ChocolateYou Sexy Thing (Re-Mix) / Every 1´s A Winner (Re-Mix)
D19871 A 006-20 1583 7In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Hot ChocolateYou Sexy Thing (Re-Mix) / Every 1´s A Winner (Re-Mix)
DRI 1977 (Orig. 1976)1 C 074-60 234In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Hot ChocolateXIV Greatest Hits
EU19831 A 006-16252467In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Hot ChocolateTears On The Telephone / Its My Birthday
NL19745 C 062-95739
MudMud Rock
NL1978RAK 5 C 062-61 505In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
SmokieThe Montreux Album
NL19801 A 006-64 193In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
RaceyRunaround Sue / Hold Me Close
SW19777C 062-99020In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
CCSBest of CCS
UK4 C 006.96084
MudLonely This Christmas / I Can´t Stand It
UK19744 C 006 - 95260In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Hot ChocolateEmma / Makin Music
UK19754 C 006.96249
MudThe Secrets That You Keep / Still Watching The Clock
UK19754 C 006.96249In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
MudThe Secrets That You Keep / Still Watching The Clock
UK19754 C 006.96249In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
MudThe Secrets That You Keep / Still Watching The Clock
UK19754 C 062 96 485
MudMud Rock Vol. II
UK1975SRKA 6755
MudMud´s Greatest Hits
UK1976RAK 244In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
SmokieLiving Next Door To Alice / Run To You
UK1976SRAK 522In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Hot ChocolateMan To Man
UK1976SRAK 524In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Hot ChocolateXIV Greatest Hits
UK1977RAK 259In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Hot ChocolateSo You Win Again / A Part Of Beeing With You
UK1978SRAK 531 /In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Hot ChocolateEvery 1´s A Winner

Logo des Labels RAK

Rare Bid

D1977BID 8006
Clyde McPhatter with the Dominos
D1977BID 8007In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Jackie Wilson14 Hits - Jackie Wilson (with Billy Ward & Dominos)
D1977BID 8010
Earl Bostic14 Hits
D1978BID 8038In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
The Five Keys14 Hits
UK1977BID 8001
The Ink Spots14 Hits
US1977BID 8004In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Little Willie John14 Songs (1953 - 1962)

Logo des Labels Rare Bid

Rare Earth (Motown)

D19731 C 006-94 777In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Dan the Banjo Man (Phil Cordell)Dan The Banjo Man / Everything Will Rhyme
US1969RS 507
Rare EarthGet Ready
US1970RS 522In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
R.Dean TaylorI Think Therefore I Am
US1970RS 522In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
R.Dean TaylorI Think Therefore I Am
US1970RS 522In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
R.Dean TaylorI Think Therefore I Am

Logo des Labels Rare Earth (Motown)

Raven Rec.


AUS1968(Australia D 50031)In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
The Mamas & The PapasPapas & Mamas Presented By The Mamas and Papas
CA1965LPM 3405
Floyd CramerClass Of 65
DLPM 9850-EIn meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Toni Witt und seine KapelleOktoberfest in München - mit dem Jodler Michael Berger (25 cm LP)
DLPM 9920In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Various Country-ArtistsGuns and Cowboys
DSBR 1059 C Sonderaufl Deutscher Schallplattenclub
Harry BelafonteThe Greatest Hits
DSonderaufl. Deutscher Schallplattenclub J 137
Various Country-ArtistsCountry Western Hillbilly
DSonderaufl. Deutscher Schallplattenclub J 137
Various Country-ArtistsCountry Western Hillbilly
D 1962SVA 1007
Duane EddyTwangy Guitar - Silky Strings
D ? (Orig1956) LPM 9901
Glenn Miller & His OrchestraGlenn Miller Story
D frühe Pressung (Orig1956) LPM 9901In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Glenn Miller & His OrchestraGlenn Miller Story
D1957EPA 4084In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Harry BelafonteIsland in the Sun (EP)
D1957EPA 4084
Harry BelafonteIsland in the Sun (EP)
D1958 (Orig. LP)LPM 1569
Frank SinatraFrankie and Tommy - Frank Sinatra with Tommy Dorsey and his Orchestra
D1959LPM 9944
Glenn Miller & His OrchestraGlenn Miller Story II
D1960LPM 2216
Jim ReevesThe Intimate Jim Reeves
D1960 (Orig)LPM 2328
Elvis PresleyHis Hand In Mine
D1961LSP 2388
Harry BelafonteJump Up Calypso
D1962LPM 2525
Duane EddyTwistin´ ´n´ Twangin´
D1962LPM 9904
Floyd CramerAmerica´s Biggest Selling Pianist
D196347-8115In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Paul AnkaLove Makes The World Go Round / Crying In The Wind
D1963LPM 2642
Floyd CramerSwing Along with Floy Cramer
D1963LPM 2681
Duane EddyTwang A Country Song
D1963LPM 2750
Miriam MakebaThe World of Miriam Makeba
D1963LSP 2700
Duane EddyTwangin´ Up a Storm
D1963 Orig. LPLPM 2744In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Paul AnkaSongs I Wish I´d Written (Orig.)
D1964LSP 2966In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Paul AnkaExcitement On Park Avenue - Live At the Waldorf-Astoria
D1964SVAS 1019 (NBC)In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Paul AnkaPaul Anka on Tour (stereo)
D1965EPA 9097In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Paul AnkaRemember Diana (EP)
D1965LPM 9940
Harry BelafonteDie großen Erfolge - Harry Belafontes Golden Records
D1965LPM 9940In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Harry BelafonteDie großen Erfolge - Harry Belafontes Golden Records
D1965LSP 2993
Duane EddyTwangin´ The Golden Hits
D1965LSP 3415
Harry Belafonte und Nana MouskouriAn Evening With Belafonte / Mouskouri
D1965LSP 3428
Anita Kerr SingersWe Dig Mancini
D1966LSP 3482 (e)
Jim ReevesThe Best of Jime Reeves, Vol. II
D1966LSP 3533
Floyd CramerOnly The Big Ones
D1966LSP 3653
Al HirtLatin In The Horm
D1967LSP 3793
Jim ReevesBlue Side Of Lonsome
D1968LSP 3927
Hugo Montenegro & his OrchestraMusic From "A Fistful of Dollars" & "For A Few Dollars More" & "The Good, The Bad And The Ugly"
D1985NL 89561In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Jose FelicianoThe Best Of Jose Feliciano
D1987BL 86408
Various Artists of the 80sDirty Dancing
D1990PL 90 465In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Elvis Presley, Jerry Lee Lewis, Johnny Cash (Million Dollar Quartedtt)Elvis Presley - The Million Dollar Quartett
D1991PT 49178
Elvis PresleyLive in las Vegas - From the International Hotel in Las Vegas, August 1969 - Maxi Single 45 RPM -
DOrig. 1957LPM 1515
Elvis PresleyLoving You
DOrig. 195847-7245In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Perez Prado And His OrchestraPatricia / Why Wait
DOrig. 195847-7245In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Perez Prado And His OrchestraPatricia / Why Wait
DOrig. 1960LPM 2256
Elvis PresleyG.I.Blues
DPressung 1961/62 (Orig. 1956)LPM 1382
Elvis PresleyElvis
DRI (Orig. 1963)LPM 2750
Miriam MakebaThe World of Miriam Makeba
FFCL1 7189
Various Country-ArtistsNashville Gold Original Country Stars & Western Hits
UK / D 1958 oder frühe RILOC D 2000 CIn meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
South PacificAn Original Soundtrack Recording,
UK11.1957RC 24005In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Harry BelafonteBelafonte Sings Of The Caribean (25 cm)
UK1958LOC D 2000 C
South PacificAn Original Soundtrack Recording,
UK1959RD 267154
Perry ComoComo Swings
UK1964RD 7635
Sam CookeAin´t That Good News
US1959SF 5021
Perry ComoWhen You Come To the End Of the Day
US1972LSP 4781In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
The Everly BrothersPass The Chicken And Listen

Logo des Labels RCA

RCA Victor

DLPM 10053
Les ChakachasDay And Night
D1964LSP 2997In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Hank LocklinHank Locklin Sings Hank Williams (stereo)
D1966LSP 3457In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
OdettaOdetta in Japan
D1967LSP 3770In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Hank LocklinSend Me The Pillow You Dream On
D1967LSP 3770
Hank LocklinSend Me The Pillow You Dream On
D1967LSP 3807In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
John D. LoudermilkSuburban Attitudes In Country Verse
Dca. 1964LSP 2982In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Various Jazz ArtistsThe Best of Dixieland

Logo des Labels RCA Victor


D1972PL 80374In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
John DenverThe Best of John Denver
D1975PL 81201In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
John DenverRocky Mountain Christmas
D1976PL 89021
Sam CookeThe Golden Age of Sam Cooke
D1977NL89533In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Sam CookeHis Greatest Hits
D1979BL 83274-1/2In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
HairOriginal Soundtrack Recording of the Motion Picture (DLP)
D1979NL 70 654 (1/2)In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Jonny HillDie bekanntesten 24 Country Hits in Deutsch (DLP)
D1979NL 89120In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Elvis PresleyLove Me Tender / Love In Las Vegas / Follow That Dream
D1981NL 83753
Lou ReedWalk On The Wild Side (Compilation)
D1981PB 9979In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Michael HolmMit 17 fängt das Leben erst an / Einer denkt immer an dich
D1982BFE 15019 RCA Special ProductIn meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Roy OrbisonAlmost Eighteen (Maxi 45 RPM)
D1982BFX 15089
Don GibsonRockin Rollin Don Gibson
D1982NL 89311In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Jim ReevesThe Abbott Recordings Volume 2
D1982PL 45344In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
John DenverGreatest Hits Vol. 2
D1983 PL 10504In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Elvis PresleyThe First Year - Elvis, Scotty and Bill Live
D1983NL 89110In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Christmas SamplerChristmas In The Country
D1983PL 70060
DonovanLady Of The Stars
D1984PG 89387In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Elvis PresleyThe First Live Recordings
Louisiana Hayride 1955 und 1956
D1984PL 84941
Elvis PresleyElvis´Gold Records Vol. 5
D1984PL 85 325
Waylon JenningsWaylon´s Greatest Hits Vol. 2
D1984PL 85307In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Kenny Rogers and Dolly PartonOnce Upon a Christmas
D1984PL 89287In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Elvis PresleyI Can Help And Other Great Hits
D1984RCA Victor PB 3738In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Rick SpringfieldLove Somebody / The Great Lost Art Of Conversation
D1985In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Beagle Music Ltd.Ice in The Sunshine / Thin Ice
D1985nm(vg+In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Beagle Music Ltd.Ice in The Sunshine / Thin Ice (Maxi 45 RPM)
D1985PL 70850In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Ulla MeineckeDer Stolz italienischer Frauen
D1985PT 40296 AFIn meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Beagle Music Ltd.Ice in The Sunshine / Thin Ice (Maxi 45 RPM)
D1985 (First 1977)NL 89533In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Sam CookeHis Greatest Hits
D1985 (Orig.1971)NL 89011In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Elvis PresleyLove Letters From Elvis ((50th anniversary -Compliation)
D1986PL 71207
Jose FelicianoTe Amare
D1987PL 71529-8In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Rick AstleyWhenever You Need Somebody
D1987PL 90011
The Judds / Wynonna JuddGive A Little Love
D1988PL 71735In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Ulla MeineckeErst mal gucken - dann mal sehen
DR 1984 (Orig. 1971)NL 81936In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Elvis PresleyThe Wonderful World Of Christmas
DRIGoldene Oldies PB 9752In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Paul AnkaZwei Mädchen aus Germany (1964) / Elisabeth (1965)
DRI 1971 (Orig. 1962)NL 89 108In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Harry BelafonteTo Wish You A Merry Christmas
DRI 1971 (Orig. 1962)NL 89 108In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Harry BelafonteTo Wish You A Merry Christmas
DRI 1981 (Orig. 1965)Hör Zu PL 43559
Elvis PresleyGolden Boy Elvis (Hör Zu)
EURI (Orig.1963)NL 89456
Various Artists of the 60s3 Great Guys: Paul Anka, Sam Cooke, Neil Sedaka
NL1979BL 83274-1/2
HairOriginal Soundtrack Recording of the Motion Picture (DLP)
UK1977PL 42179
Jim ReevesThe Hits of Jim Reeves (posthum)
UK1981RCALP 5046In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Bonnie TylerThe Very Best of Bonnie Tyler (16 Tracfks)
UK1986PL 89979
Elvis PresleyEssential
US1982PL 14256
John DenverSeasons Of The Heart

Logo des Labels RCA

RCA /Impact

F6886 816In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Sylvie VartanSylvie Vartan Volume 3
Sylvie VartanSyvie Vartan
F19776886 807In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Elvis PresleyElvis Presley
F1977/786886 802In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Paul AnkaPaul Anka (Live in New York)


US1970PRS 300
Various Country-ArtistsThe New Popular Hits Vol. 1
USRI d. Orig. v. 1975AYL 1-3667In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Henry ManciniPure Gold

Logo des Labels RCA

D CAS 1023 (e)
Glenn Miller & His OrchestraThe Best Of Glenn Miller
DCAS 10275
Various Country-ArtistsTravellin Country - Nashville Stars in Europe
DCAS 10 186
Ennio MorriconeFor A Few Dollars More ( Für ein paar Doll mehr)
DCDS 6004In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Los Indios TabajarasMaria Elena
DCDS 6004In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Los Indios TabajarasMaria Elena
D1961CAS 120241In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Floyd CramerAmerica´s Biggest Selling Pianist (Diff. Titles)
D1966CAS 10263In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Jose FelicianoFantastic Feliciano - The Voice And Guitar Of Jose Feliciano
D1967CAS 10233In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Jose FelicianoA Bag Full Of Soul
D1968Bild und Funk CAS 10 193
BonanzaEin Abend auf der Ponderosa mit Ben Cartwright, Little Joe, Adam und Hoss:
D1968CAS 10227
Sam CookeMy Kind Of Soul
D1969CAS 10197In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Bobby BareDetroit City
D1971 CAS 10191In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Rita PavoneDie großen Erfolge (1964 - 71)
D1971 RI, (Orig. 1964)CAS 10 199In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Floyd CramerThe Best Of Floyd Cramer
D???CDS 6015In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Perry ComoThe Best of Perry Como
Dk.A.CDS 6018In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Paul AnkaHello Jim
Dk.A.CDS 6018In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Paul AnkaHello Jim
DRI (Orig. 1963)CAS 10195In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Skeeter DavisThe End of the World
DRI 1971 (Orig. 1968) CAS 10191In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Rita PavoneDie großen Erfolge (1964 - 71)
DRI d. Orig. v. 1958CDS 6006 (e)In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Jim ReevesGirls I Have Known
UK1969CDS 1005In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Roger MillerThe One And Only Roger Miller
UK1969CDS 1128
Jim ReevesJim Reeves Sings With Some Friends (u.a. Dottie West, Floyd Robinson)
UK1969CDS 1128
Jim ReevesJim Reeves Sings With Some Friends (u.a. Dottie West, Floyd Robinson)
UK1970CDS 1056
Various Country-ArtistsNashville Stars on Tour
UK1970CDs 1064
Deep River BoysThe House Of The Rising Sun
UK1970CDS 1078In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Brook BentonI Wanna Be With You
UK1970*CDS 1070
Paul AnkaSongs I Wish I´d Written
UK1971CDS 1089In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Sam CookeThe Legendary
UK1971CDS 1083
Eartha KittJust An old Fashioned Girl
UK1971CDS 1094In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Clodagh RodgersClaudagh Rodgers
UK1971CDS 1141In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Middle Of The RoadChirpy Chirpy Cheep Cheep, Tweedle Dee Tweedle Dum And Other Great Hits
UK1971CDS 1154In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Elvis PresleyI Got Lucky
UK1972CDS 1109
Duane EddyThe Best of Duane Eddy
UK1972CDS 1110In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Elvis PresleyElvis Sings Hits From His Movies
UK1973CDS 1131
Middle Of The RoadIt´s Te Middle Of the Road
UK1973CDS 1138In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Manitas De PlataThe Excitement Of Manitas De Plata
UK1973CDS 1181In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
The Isley BrothersShout (RI, diff. Titles)
UK1974CDS 1140In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Charlie RichShe Loved Everybody But Me
UK1974CDS 1151In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Neil SedakaLets Go Steady Again
UK1975CDS 1146In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Elvis PresleyEasy Come, Easy Go (Compilation)
UK1976CDS 1156In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Neil SedakaStupid Cupid
UKRI 1969 (Orig. 1962)CDS 1000
Jim ReevesThe Country Side of jim Reeves
UKRI 1969 (Orig. 1964)CDM 1049
Jim ReevesHave I Told You Lately That I Love You
UKRI 1969 (Orig. 1965)CDM 10032
Don GibsonA Blue Million Tears
UKRI 1970 (Orig.1956)CDM 1080
Jim ReevesBimbo
UKRI 1970 (Orig.1963)CDM 1075
Jim ReevesGood´n´Country
UKRI 1970 d. Orig. v. 1962 CDS 1072In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Duane EddyTwangy Guitar - Silky Strings
UKRI 1970 d. Orig. v. 1963 CDM 1053
Perry ComoAn Evening With Perry Como
UKRI 1971 (Orig 1963CDS 1160In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Jim Reeves12 Songs of Christmas
UKRI 1971 (Orig 1963)CDS 1160In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Jim Reeves12 Songs of Christmas
UKRI 1972 (Orig. 1959)CDS 1099
Jim ReevesSongs To Warm The Heart
UKRI 1972 (Orig. 1959)CDS 1113In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Perry ComoChristmas Greetings From Perry Como
UKRI 1975 (Orig.1972)CDS 1136In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
The Everly BrothersThe Exciting Everly Brothers (RI v. Pass The Chicken And Listen)
US 1972CAS 2563 Dynaflex In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Jose FelicianoJose Feliciano Sings
US1964CAS 825
Boots RandolphThe Yakin' Sax Man
US1965CAS 903
Roger MillerThe One And Only Roger Miller
US1967CAS 2142
The BrownsSing The Big Ones From The Country
US1968CAS 2290
Bobby BareFolsom Prison Blues
US1970CAS 2417
Charlie RichShe Loved Everybody But Me - The Versatile And Talented Charlie Rich
US1971CAS 2523
Various Instrumental ArtistsChet, Floyd, Boots
US1972CXS 9001In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Jim ReevesJim Reeves (Dlp)
US1972 (Orig. 1963)CDS 1100In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Harry BelafonteMidnight Special (RI)
USRI 1963 (Orig 1959)CAS 471 (e)In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Eddy ArnoldThat´s How Much I Love You
USRI 1974ACL1-0351-A
Wayne NewtonEverybody Knows

Logo des Labels

D(1970)SRS 555
Various Country-ArtistsThe Best of Country and West
DRI (Orig. 1969)CAS 10 259In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
HairDon Kirshner Cuts "Hair"
US1965CAL 874In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Floyd CramerThe Magic Touch of Floyd Cramer
US1966CAL 2104In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Floyd CramerThe Distinctive Piano Style of Floyd Cramer
US1966CAL 2104
Floyd CramerThe Distinctive Piano Style of Floyd Cramer
Frank SinatraI´ll See You In My Dreams - The Tommy Dorsey Orchestra with Vocals by Frank Sinatra (DLP)

Logo des Labels

US RI (Orig. 1956)CAL 403In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Perry ComoDream Along With Me
US1958CAL 340
Gene KrupaSwingin with Krupa
US1964CAL 321
RCA SamplerLower Basin Street

Logo des Labels


D196347-9483In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Paul AnkaWondrous Are The Ways Of Love / Skokiaan
D1981 PB 45 173In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Diether KrebsSantamarghuaritaobiledimontepulciano / Martins ganz einsame Weihnachten
D1991RPB 44 727In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Diether KrebsIch bin der Martin, ne .... / Martinique (instr.)
D1991RPB 44 727In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Diether KrebsIch bin der Martin, ne .... / Martinique (instr.)
Perry ComoKewpie Doll /Its A Good Day

Logo des Labels RCA

RCA International

D1966INTS 1058
Jose FelicianoFantastic Feliciano - The Voice And Guitar Of Jose Feliciano
D1972INTS 1404In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Les ChakachasArriba
D1976PJL 2-8121 (26.28139 ) stern musik
Harry BelafonteSongs

Logo des Labels RCA International

RCA International

DINTS - 1267In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Paul AnkaThe Best of Paul Anka
DINTS 1269
San Remo FestivalSan Remo Festival 71 - Hitparade Italia Vol. 3
DINTS 1302In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Duane EddyYesterday´s Pop Scene - The Guitar Man
D1970CDS 6003In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Paul AnkaPaul Ankas Greatest Hits
D1970INTS 1103In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Elvis PresleyLet´s Be Friends
D1971INTS 1293In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Al HirtAl Hirt Plays Bert Kaempfert
D1972INTS 1131
Neil SedakaOh Carol
D1975HY 1001 (26.21556)In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Elvis PresleyThe Elvis Presley Sun Collection
D1978CL 43 471In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Eartha KittSongs (DLP)
D1980CL 42933In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Paul AnkaForever - 32 Hits and the Story of Paul Anla (DLP)
DRI 1968 (Orig. v. )1965CAS 10200In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Duane EddyTwangin´ The Golden Hits
DRI 1974 (Orig. 1972)PJL1-8007In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Neil SedakaNeil Sedaka
NL1975YHJL 10989In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Sam CookeSam´s Soul
UKINTS.1010In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Glenn Miller & His OrchestraThe Nearness of You
UK1969INTS 1019In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Glenn Miller & His OrchestraThe Nearness of You - Original Recordings
UK1969INTS 1030
Eartha KittCest Si Bon
UK1970INTS 1072
Gene KrupaSwingin with Krupa
UK1971INTS 1141
Chet AtkinsTravellin Guitar
UK1971INTS 1204In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Perry ComoComos Golden Records (1971) (Diff. Tracks)
UK1971 (Orig. 1958)IMTS 1221In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Sacha DistelFrom Paris with Love
UK1972INTS 1480
The SearchersNeedles & Pins (Newly Recorded)
UK1974INTS 1489In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Charlie RichShe Loved Everybody But Me
UKRI 19569 (Orig. 1960)INTS 1013
Jim ReevesAccording To My Heart
UKRI 1970 (Orig. 63/64)INTS 1070In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Jim ReevesJim Reeves´ Golden Records
UKRI 1970 (Orig. 63/64)INTS 1070In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Jim ReevesJim Reeves´ Golden Records
UKRI 1980 (Orig. 1966)INTS 5006
Duke EllingtonThe Popular
US1971INTS 1204
Perry ComoComos Golden Records (1971) (Diff. Tracks)
US1972RCA International INTS 1474In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
The Everly BrothersStories We Could Tell
USRI 1973 d. Orig.v. 1960INTS 1437In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Harry BelafonteMy Lord What a Morning
USRI 1976 ( Orig. v. 1962)INTS 1263In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Jim ReevesHe´ll Have To Go

Logo des Labels RCA International

RCA International (orange auf rot)

D1971 (RI)INTS 1257In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Bobby BareDetroit City
D1972INTS 1386In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
The Pipes and Drums of the Military Band of the Royal Scots Dragoon GuardsAmazing Grace

Logo des Labels RCA International (orange auf rot)

RCA Internarional

D 1972CDS 6020In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Jose FelicianoJose Feliciano Sings
D 1972CDS 6020In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Jose FelicianoJose Feliciano Sings
D1972INTS 1398In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Jose FelicianoJose Feliciano Sings
D1975AJL 1-0616 (...AF)In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Paul AnkaMy Way
D1975AJL 1-0616 (..AG)In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Paul AnkaMy Way
DRI 1964 (Orig. 1963)INTS 1188In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Jim ReevesTwelve Songs of Christmas
DRI 1972INTS 1397 / 26.21237 AFIn meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Paul AnkaThe Lonely Boy (Yesterdays Pop Scene)
NLRI 1964 (Orig. 1963)INTS 1188In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Jim ReevesTwelve Songs of Christmas

Logo des Labels RCA Internarional

RCA red seal 69

Logo des Labels RCA red seal 69


DIn meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Mario Lanza
D47-9394In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Al HirtI Love Paris /Jazz Me Blues
D60 423 Sonderaufl. P 10
Peter NeroPeter Nero (25 cm)
DLPM 1399 CIn meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Bundle of JoyEddie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds in Bundle of Joy
D1956EPB-1248-1In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Harry BelafonteCalypso (EP)
D1957EPB-1505-2In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Harry BelafonteBelafonte Sings Of The Caribbean (EP)
D1958LPM 9838In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Mario LanzaFor The First Time - Serenade einer großen Liebe
D195947-7456In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Perez Prado And His OrchestraThe Millionaire / Catalania
D1959EPA 4347In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
The BrownsThe Browns Sing The Three Bells
D1959LPM 2019In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Lena Horne und Harry BelafontePorgy And Bess
D1959LPM 2019In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Lena Horne und Harry BelafontePorgy And Bess
D1959/69EPA 9671In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
RCA SamplerThe Best From The Wild West (EP)
D196247 - 8098In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Skeeter DavisThe End of The World / Somebody Loves You
D196247 - 9426In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Harry BelafonteTry To Remember / Michael Row Te Boat Ashore
Duane Eddy(Dance With The) Guitar Man / Stretching Out
D196247-9411In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Les ChakachasBig Strong Madison / Madison 62
D196247-9417In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Elvis PresleyKing Of The Whole Wide World / Home Is Where The Heart Is
D1963LPM 2702
Don GibsonI Wrote A Song
D196447-8444In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Lorne GreeneRingo / Bonanza
D1966LPS 2845
Miriam MakebaThe Voice of Africa
D1966LSP 3517
Sam CookeThe Unforgettable
D1967LSP 3827
Floyd CramerClass Of 67
F1964 (Orig. USA/Canada 1962)430.092 SIn meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Sacha DistelSacha Distel
SW1962LPM 9929In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Svend Asmussen und Ulrik NeumannEn Kväll
UK1961SF 5124
Floyd CramerAmerica´s Biggest Selling Pianist (Diff. Titles)

Logo des Labels RCA


D1983PB 69109In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Paul YoungI Wish It Would Rain / Love Hurts
D1983PL 70225In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Klaus HoffmannCiao bella
D1991PT 44728In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Diether KrebsIch bin der Martin, ne .... (Tanzversion und Singleversion)/ Martinique (instr.) / Martin geht
D1991PT75286 AJ
Diether KrebsMartin, ne ... ?
USRI (Orig. 1972)CPL 1-0374 (26.21310 AS)In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
John DenverThe Best of

Logo des Labels RCA

RCA Victor

AUSRI (Orig. 1962)LSP 2627In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Neil SedakaNeil Sedaka Sings His Greatest Hits
B1974APBO 9232 / 26.11.201In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Hues CorporationRock The Boat / All Goin Down Together
B1974MB 101 13In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Carol DouglasDoctors Order / Baby Dont Let This Good Love Die COVER ONLY / NUR COVER
B1975MB 101 13In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Carol DouglasDoctors Order / Baby Dont Let This Good Love Die
CH1971LSP 4481
Harry BelafonteThe Warm Touch
CH1979PL 30062In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Bobby SoloRock´n´Roll
Jose FelicianoChe Sera / There´s No One About
D74-16127In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Middle Of The RoadSacramento / Love Sweet Love
DCOSD 5501In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Oliver (Musical)Lionel Bart´s Oliver
DDeutscher Schallplattenclub H 22776
Jose FelicianoFeliciano
DRCS 3105/1-2In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Glenn Miller & His OrchestraDie Originalaufnahmen seiner größten Erfolge
DRCS 3159/1-2
Jose FelicianoA Spanish Portrait -. Doppel-LP
DSBR 1059 C Sonderaufl Deutscher SchallplattenclubIn meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Harry BelafonteThe Greatest Hits
DSRS 559
Jim ReevesJim Reeves
DSRS 559In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Jim ReevesJim Reeves
DSRS 563
Henry ManciniTh Golden Sound of Henry Mancini
D 1967H 272/7 Sonderaufl. Dt. schallplattenclub
HairThe Original Broadcast Recording
D RI ca 1969 (Orig. 1963)LSP 2765 / 26.21024 In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Elvis PresleyElvis´ Golden Records Vol. 3
D(1970)SRS 556
Various Country-ArtistsThe Best of Country and West Vol. 2
D(1970)SRS 556In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Various Country-ArtistsThe Best of Country and West Vol. 2
D(1970)SRS 564
Various Country-ArtistsThe Best of Country and West Vol. 3
D1965 LSOD 2005 De LuxeIn meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
The Sound of MusicOriginal Soundtrack Recording of the Motion Picture Starring Julie Andrews, Music von Rodgers and Hammerstein,
D1966 (Orig. 1964)SF 778In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Jim ReevesKimberley Jim - Music From the Movie Starring Jim Reeves
D1967LSP 10313In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Jose FelicianoEl Fantastico
D1968LSO 1150
HairThe Original Broadway Cast Recordin
D1968LSP 4045
Jose FelicianoSouled
D1968LSP 4062In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Jim ReevesOn Stage
D196947 - 15 110In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Clodagh RodgersCome Back And Shake Me / I Am A Fantasy
D196947-15 111In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
(Little) Peggy MarchHey* / Happy Birthday
D196963-1008In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
The ArchiesSugar Sugar / Melody Hill
Zager & EvansIn The Year 2525 / Little Kids
D1969Bild und Funk - LSP 4185- D
Jose FelicianoFeliciano/10 to23
D1969KES -103In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
The ArchiesSugar Sugar
D1969KES 105In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
The ArchiesJingle Jangle
D1969LSP-10 239
Jose FelicianoLight My Fire (twen)
D1970LSP 4301In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Harry BelafonteBelafonte - By Request
D1970LSP 4370In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Jose FelicianoFireworks
D1970LSP 4370In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Jose FelicianoFireworks
D197174- 16 108In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Middle Of The RoadSoley Soley / To Remind Me
D197174- 16 108In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Middle Of The RoadSoley Soley / To Remind Me
Jose FelicianoShake A Hand (Que Sera) / Thre´s No One About
D1971LSP 10 204In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Elvis PresleyThe Rockin Days
D1971LSP 10 333
Jose FelicianoEncore ! Jose Feliciano´s Finest Performances
D1971LSP 10 343In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Jose FelicianoChe Sara
D1971LSP 10 357
Middle Of The RoadAccalleration (Diff. Cover)
D1971LSP 10 357In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Middle Of The RoadAccelleration
D1971LSP 10 357In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Middle Of The RoadAccelleration
D1971LSP 10336
Middle Of The RoadChirpy Chirpy Cheep Cheep
D1971LSP 4506In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Jerry ReedWhen You´re Hot You´re Hot
D1971LSP 4515
(Harry) NilssonNilsson Schmilsson
D1971LSP 4573
Jose FelicianoThat The Spirit Needs
D1971LSP 4573In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Jose FelicianoThat The Spirit Needs
D1971VPS 6038
The Tommy Dorsey OrchestraThis Is Tommy Dorsey (DLP) (with Frank Sinatra)
D197228 313-5 Deutscher Schallplattenclub
Middle Of The RoadSacramento
D197274-16127In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Middle Of The RoadSacramento / Love Sweet Love
D1972RCS 3159/1-2In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Jose FelicianoA Spanish Portrait - Doppel-LP
D1972RCS 3171/1-2In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Oldies But GoodiesOldies But Goodies - The Golden Era Of Hits (DLP)
D1972SRS 570
Various Country-ArtistsThe Best Of country and West Volume 4
D1973LSP 10 400In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Middle Of The RoadDrive on
D1973LSP 10401
Domenico ModugnoAmara Terra Mia - The Best of Domenico Modugno
D1973SRS 571
Various Country-ArtistsThe Best Of Country and West Volume 5
D1973SRS 571In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Various Country-ArtistsThe Best Of Country and West Volume 5
D1973 (Erstausg. 1968)SRS 558
Elvis PresleyA Portrait In Music
D197427622-0 Club-Sonderauflage.In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Harry BelafonteGolden Records Vol. 2
D1974APL 1-0323In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Hues CorporationFreedom for the Stallion
D1974KPBO 1004
George McCraeRock Your Baby (Part 1 and 2)
D1974LSP 10 419
Harry BelafonteGolden Records Vol. 2 (Diff. Cover)
D197526.11251In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
George McCraeSing A Happy Song / I Need Somebody Like You
D1975PB 10128In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
The TymesMs. Grace / The Crutch
D1975PB 10128In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
The TymesMs. Grace / The Crutch
D1975PXM1 8033In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Glenn Miller & His OrchestraThe Glenn Miller Story Vol. 2 (Diff. Tracks)
D1976 TBO - 1242 (26.11489)In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Oliver OnionsOrzowei / Thema di Lara (M & G Orchestra) /
D19766,00 €In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Jonny HillWeihnachten mit Dir
D1976674 427 (Club Sonderaufl.)In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Neil SedakaNeil Sedaka Sings His Greatest Hits (Diff.Tracks)
D1976PBBO-4154In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
GitteHappy End / Du und ich
D1976PPBO 4150 26.11366In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
GitteLass mich heute nicht allein / Tut mir leid mein Schatz
D1976 (Orig. 1972)74-0604In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
(Harry) NilssonWithout You / Gotta Get Up
D1977PB 5558In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
GitteShake Me / Ich will frei sein
D1977PL 28317In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
The Black & White Gospel DuoThe Black And White Gospel Duo
D1977PS 5531In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
GitteBye-Bay Bel Ami / Dein Name steht in meinem Herzen
D1978PB 5609In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Jonny HillRuf Teddybär eins-vier / Kann Liebe alles verzeihn
D1978PB 5609In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Jonny HillRuf Teddybär eins-vier / Kann Liebe alles verzeihn
D1978PL 25 139In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Bonnie TylerThe Hits of Bonnie Tyler
D1978PL 28 333In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Anthony VenturaStille Nacht Heiige Nacht - Die schönsten Weihnachtslieder
D1978PL 28332
D1978PL 28335In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Pete Wyoming BenderLife Is Too Short
D197938324-0 Club Ed. S*R InternationalIn meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Helen SchneiderLive In Hamburg
D1979PB 5631In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Waterloo & RobinsonWhy Butterflies Never Cry / Do You Remember Marianne
D1979PB 9432
Richard T. BearRuby Tuesday (with Kathy Ingraham) / Birdseye View
D1979PL 13279In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Elvis PresleyOur Memories of Elvis
D1979PL 42102In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Elvis PresleyThe´56 Sessions Vol. 2
D1980BFX 15005In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Jack ScottJack Scott On Goove
D1980PB 2133In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Dolly Parton9 to 5 / Sing For the Common Man
D1980PB 5691In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
BinoAngela che sara / Addio amore
D1980 (Erstpressung 1978)PL 300063In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Mikis TheodorakisLyrika - 16 neue Theodorakis-Lieder
D1981PB 5339In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Bucks FizzMaking Your Mind Up / Dont Stop
D1981PL 28454
Ulla MeineckeNächte lang
D1981RCA PB 5690
Michael HolmKind / Samstagabendträumer
D1982PL 28498
TorfrockMein Gott sind wir begabt
D1982PL 28498
TorfrockMein Gott sind wir begabt
Dca 1976PBO- 7043 26.11 392In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Eddie FisherOh My Papa (Oh mein Papa) (1953) / Cindy oh Cindy (1956)
DRIPB 6529In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Rita PavoneWenn ich ein Junge wäre / Mein Jack der ist 2 Meter groß (Goldene Oldies)
DRI d. Orig. v. 1965PL 12558In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Elvis PresleyHarem Holiday
DRI (Orig. 1967)Club Sonderaufl.LSP 9940In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Harry BelafonteGolden Records
DRI 1972 (org. 1960)SR 6007-1/2In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Harry BelafonteBelafonte Live - Portrait In Gold (DLP-Kassette)
DRI 1972 (Orig. 1966)LSA 3099
Hank LocklinThe Best Of Hank Locklin
DRI 1976 (Orig. 1970)LSP 4421
Jose FelicianoJose Feliciano (Christmas Album)
DRI 1976 (Orig. 1971)74-0604In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
(Harry) NilssonWithout You / Gotta Get Up
DRI 1977 (Orig. 1971)PB 6081In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Joan BaezHeres To You / The Ballad Of Sacco And Vanetti
DRI d. Orig. v. 1958LSP 1884
Elvis PresleyKing Creole
DRI d. Orig. v. 1969LSP 4185 26.21049In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Jose FelicianoFeliciano / 10 to 23
Jose FelicianoQue Sera (Que Sara) / There´s No One About
ES1972LSP 10 466
Jose FelicianoExitos de Jose Feliciano (En Espanol)
F197049 694
Hugo Montenegro & his OrchestraLe Bon, la Brute et le Truand (The Good, the Bad and The Ugly) / March With Hope
F1970740 655/656
Jose FelicianoAlive Alive-O ! - Jose Feliciano in Concert at the London Palladium (DLP)
DrupiVado Via / Segui Me (Sail Away)
F1974FBDO 0032
Sylvie VartanBye Bye Lero Brown / Bien sur
F1977 PL 37025
Henri SalvadorDisque d´or
IT12/7174-0604In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
(Harry) NilssonWithout You / Gotta Get Up
IT1971LSP 34125
Jose FelicianoChe Sara
IT1974CPL 1 0475In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Elvis PresleyGood Times
n/aMexico 1971MIL/S 4086In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Jose FelicianoJose Feliciano (Christmas Album)
NLC 135/1
Jose FelicianoThe Windmills of Your Mind
NL1970LSP 4370In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Jose FelicianoFireworks
SW1980PL 13852In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Dolly Parton9 to 5 And Odd Jobs
UKLSA 3149
Eddy ArnoldLonely People
UKLSP 7403
Jim Reeves50 All-time World-wide Favourites (4 LP Kassette)
UK 1977PC 5165In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Bonnie TylerFour Track EP
UK Orig. 1964RD 7663
Jim ReevesTwelve Songs of Christmas
UK1965RD 7694
Jim ReevesThe Jim Reeves Way
UK1968SF 7946In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Jose FelicianoFeliciano
UK1970LSA 3000
Waylon JenningsThe Best Of Waylon Jennings
UK1971SF 7640
Los Indios TabajarasAlways In My Heart
UK1972LSA 3101
Dolly PartonThe Best of Dolly Parton
UK1972LSP 4656
Jose FelicianoMemphis Menu
UK1972SF 8233
Elvis PresleyRock´n´Roll
UK1972SF 8324In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Neil SedakaSolitaire
UK1973SF 8371In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
(Harry) NilssonA Little Touch Of Schmilsson In the Night
UK1974APL1 0727In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
The TymesMs. Grace
UK1974LFLI 7504
George Hamilton IVThe Best Of George Hamilton IV Vol. 2
UK1975LSA 3220In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
John D. LoudermilkEncores
UK1976LSA 3236
Dolly PartonBest Of Dolly Parton Vol. 2
UK1976PL 42002
Don GibsonFamous Country Music Makers (2 LP)
UK1977PL 25063
Bonnie TylerThe World Starts Tonight
UK1977PL 42120
John DenverThe Best of John Denver, Vol.2
UK1977TVL 1 AIn meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Glenn Miller & His OrchestraThe Unforgettable Glenn Miller
UK1979PL 25 194
Bonnie TylerDiamond Cut
UKRI 1977 (Orig. 1964)PL 42355In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Elvis PresleyKissin´ Cousins
UKRI 1968 (Orig. 1957)RD 27052
Elvis PresleyElvis´ Christmas Album
UKRI 1971 ( Orig. v. 1961) SF 5106
Elvis PresleySomething For Everybody
UKRI 1973 (Orig. )1970LSA 3159
John D. LoudermilkThe Best Of John D. Loudermilk
UKRI 1973 (Orig. )1970LSA 3159In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
John D. LoudermilkThe Best Of John D. Loudermilk
UKRi d. Orig. v. 1959RD 7636
Jim ReevesGod Be With You
US11973AFL 0275
Connie SmithConnie Smithj´s Greatest Hits Volume I
US1966LSP 3618
Bobby BareThe Streets Of Baltimore
US1967LSP 3775In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Charley PridePride of Country Music
US1968LSP 4016In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Perry ComoThe Perry Como Christmas Album
US1968LSP 4062
Jim ReevesOn Stage
US1969LSP 10311In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Darling LiliJulie Andrews & Henry Mancini ‎Perform Music From The Film Score Darling Lili
US1969LSP 4132In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Connie SmithConnie´s Country
US1969LSP 4164
George Hamilton IVCanadian Pacific
US1969LSP 4183
Perry ComoSeattle
US1969LSP 4185In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Jose FelicianoFeliciano/10 to23
US1969LSP 4255In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Harry BelafonteHomeward Bound
US1969LSP 4255In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Harry BelafonteHomeward Bound
US1970LSP 4265
George Hamilton IVThe Best of George Hamilton IV
US1970LSP 4302
Zager & EvansZager & Evans
US1970LSP 4304
Eddy ArnoldLove and Guitars
US1970LSP 4406In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Charley PrideChristmas in My Hometown
US1971 LSP 4543
(Harry) NilssonAerial Pandemonium Ballet
US1971LSP 4508
Porter WagonerSimple As I Am
US1971LSP X 1005In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Jose FelicianoEncore ! Jose Feliciano´s Finest Performances
US1971LSP X 1005
Jose FelicianoEncore ! Jose Feliciano´s Finest Performances
US1971LSP X 1005In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Jose FelicianoEncore ! Jose Feliciano´s Finest Performances
US1972LSP 4620In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
The Everly BrothersStories We Could Tell
US1972LSP 4656In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Jose FelicianoMemphis Menu
US1972LSP 4729
Jerry ReedThe Best Of Jerry Reed
US1972LSP 4731
John DenverRocky Mountain High
US1973APL 1 - 0283In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Elvis PresleyElvis (Compilation)
US1973APL1 0094In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Harry BelafontePlay Me
US1973LSP 4830In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
The Guess WhoArtificial Paradise
US1973LSP 4858In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Wilson PickettMr. Magic Man
US1973LSP 4858In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Wilson PickettMr. Magic Man
US1974APL 1-0686
Charlie RichShe Called Me Baby
US1974CPL 1-0570
(Harry) NilssonPussy Cats,
US1975APL 1-0995In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
The Guess WhoPower In the Music
US1975CPL 1 -0407
Jose FelicianoAnd The Feeling's Good
USRI (Orig. 1959)ANL 1 - 1092In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Sons Of the PioneersCool Water
USRI (Orig. 1960)LSP 2350
Floyd CramerLast Date
USRI (Orig. 1965)RCA Victor LPM 3347
Anthony NewleyWho Can I Turn To
USRI 1970 (Orig.1958)31,126In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Elvis PresleyJailhouse Rock
USRI 1975 (Orig. 1958)ANL 1 - 1048 (2)In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Jimmy WitherspoonGoin To Kansas City Blues
USRI 1976 (Orig.1968)YSPL 1-575
Lee Hazlewood20th Century Lee

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RCA Victor

CALSP 3828In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Floyd CramerWe Wish You A Merry Christmas - The Floyd Cramer Family
CA1961LSP 2285
Hank SnowSouvenirs
CA1963LSP 2702In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Don GibsonI Wrote A Song
CA1965LPM 3373
Sam CookeThe Best Of Sam Cooke Volume 2
CA1965LSP 3417In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Al HirtThe Sound Of Christmas
D1958LPM 1685In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Jim ReevesGirls I Have Known
D1961LPM 2494In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
King CurtisThe Twist - Arthur Murray´s Music For Dancing
D1963LPS 2695
Harry BelafonteStreets I Have Walked
n/a1959LPM 1927
Harry BelafonteLove Is A Gentle Thing
UK1967RD 7878
Jose FelicianoA Bag Full Of Soul
UKRI 1970 (Orig.1965)LSA 3003In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Don GibsonThe Best of Don Gibson
US47-8332In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Anita Kerr SingersCopper Kettle / Summer Green And Winter White
USLOC 1058
ExodusOriginal Soundtrack from the Film Exodus, starring Paul Newman, Music by Ernst Gold Conducting the Sinfonia of London Orchestra
USLOCD 2005In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
The Sound of MusicOriginal Soundtrack Recording of the Motion Picture
USLPM 2198In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Henry ManciniMusic From Mr. Lucky
Al HirtOur Man In New Orleans
USLSP 3839
Anthony NewleySings The Songs From Dr. Dolittle
US 1962 (Orig. LP)LSP 2576In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Duane EddyTwangy Guitar - Silky Strings
US RI d. Orig. v. 1958AYL 1- 3681In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
South PacificAn Original Soundtrack Recording,
US RI d. Orig. v. 1958LSO 1032In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
South PacificAn Original Soundtrack Recording,
US(1964) LSO 1093In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Fiddler on the Roof (Anatevka)Orig. Broadway Soundtrack
US(1973)LSP 2156
The Isley BrothersShout
US1955LPM 1085In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Perry ComoSo Smooth
US1955LPM 1097In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Eddie FisherI Love You
US1955LPM 1111
Eddy ArnoldWanderin with Eddy Arnold
US1956 LPM 1214
Dinah Shore
US1956LPM 1150In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Harry BelafonteBelafonte
US1956LPM 1172
Perry ComoI Believe
US1956LPM 1176
Perry ComoRelaxing With Perry Como
US1956LPM 1177
Perry ComoA Sentimental Date With Perry Como
US1956LPM 1191
Perry ComoSings Hits From Broadway Shows
US1956LPM 1229In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
The Tommy Dorsey OrchestraYes Indeed
US1956LPM 1234In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
The Tommy Dorsey OrchestraHawaiian War Chant
US1956LPM 1244
Artie ShawMoonglow
US1956LPM 1248
Harry BelafonteCalypso
US1957EPC1402-2In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Harry BelafonteAn Evening With Belafonte (EP)
US1957LPM 1463
Perry ComoWe Get Letters
US1957LPM 1463In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Perry ComoWe Get Letters
US1957LPM 1487In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Ames BrothersSweet Seventeen
US1957LPM 1538In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
The VersatonesThe Versatones
US1957LPM 1548
Eddie FisherThinking Of You
Glenn Miller & His OrchestraMarvelous Miller Moods
US1957 (Original, Erstpressung)LPM 1402In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Harry BelafonteAn Evening With Belafonte
Perry ComoComos Golden Records
US1958LPM 1260In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Jacques Ysaye and his orchestraThe Follies of Paris
US1958LPM 1679
Tony PerkinsFrom My Heart
US1958LPM 1708In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
The Twins (Jim and John)Teenagers Love the Twins
US1958LPM 1799
Vaughn MonroeThere I Sing/Swing It Again - Vaughn Monroe and His Orchestra
US1958LPM 1954
Ames BrothersSing Famous Hits of Famous Quartets
US1958LSP 1855
Ames BrothersSmoochin Time
US1958LSP 1971
Perry ComoSaturday Night With Mr. C.
US1959LPM 2099
Dave Baby CortezThe Happy Organ
US1959LPM 6100
Glenn Miller & His Orchestra50 Never Before Released Original Performances By Glenn Miller - 3 LP ALbum
US1959LSP 1964
The Three SunsSwingin´ On A Star
US1959LSP 1680In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Ames BrothersThe Best In the Country
US1959LSP 2055In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Kay StarrI Hear The Word (Swingin Spirituals)
US1959LSP 2144
The BrownsThe Sweet Sound of the Browns - featuring The Three Bells and ohers
US1960LPM 2151
Floyd CramerHello Blues
US1960LPM 2162In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Floyd RobinsonFloyd Robinson
US1960LPM 2174
The BrownsTown & Country
US1960LPM 2186
Pat SuzukiLooking At You
US1960LPM 2223
Jim ReevesHe´ll Have To Go
US1960LPM 2291
Hank LocklinPlease Help Me I´m Falling
Chet AtkinsThe other Chet Atkins
US1960LSP 2120
The Three SunsTwilight Memories
US1960LSPM 2147
Henry ManciniThe Blues and the Beat
US1960 (Orig. LP)LSO 1059In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Suzie WongThe World Of Suzie Wing - starring William Holden and Nancy Kwan
US1960 (Orig. LP)LSO 1059In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Suzie WongThe World Of Suzie Wing - starring William Holden and Nancy Kwan
US1961LPM 2232
Chet AtkinsWorkshop
US1961LPM 2272In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
LimelitersTonight - In person
US1961LPM 2272In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
LimelitersTonight - In person
US1961LPM 2319
Django ReinhardtDjangology
US1961LPM 2327
Skeeter DavisHere´ s The Answer
US1961LPM 2400
Ray EllisRay Ellis Plays The TOP 20
US1961LPM 2514
The TokensThe Lion Sleeps Tonight
US1961LSP 2272
LimelitersTonight - In person
US1961LSP 2293
Sam CookeSam Cooke (Swing Low)
US1961LSP 2354
Al HirtAl (He´s The King) Hirt And His Band
US1961LSP 2359
Floyd CramerOn The Rebound
US1961LSP 2390
Perry ComoSing To Me Mr. C. - 18 of Your All-time Favorites
US1961LSP 2393
LimelitersThe Slightly Fabulous Limeliters
US1961 (Original)LPM 2388In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Harry BelafonteJump Up Calypso
US1962 LPM 2648
Duane EddyDance With The Guitar Man
US1962 LSP 2446
Al HirtHorn A-Plenty
US1962LPM 2497
Al HirtAt The Mardi Gras - Recorded Live In New Orleans
US1962LPM 2512In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
LimelitersThrough Children´s Eyes
US1962LPM 2547In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
LimelitersFolk Matinee
US1962LPM 2623
Gene AutryGolden Hits - America´s Favorite Cowboy sings
US1962LPM 2631In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
The TokensWe Sing Folk
US1962LSP 2419In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Della ReeseThe Classic Della
US1962LSP 2450
Chet AtkinsDown Home
US1962LSP 2504
Eddie FisherEddie Fisher´s Greatest Hits
US1962LSP 2512
LimelitersThrough Children´s Eyes
US1962LSP 2544
Floyd CramerI Remember Hank Williams
US1962LSP 2547In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
LimelitersFolk Matinee
US1963LOC 1110In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Tommy SteeleHalf A Sixpence
US1963LOC 1110In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Tommy SteeleHalf A Sixpence
US1963LPM 2449
Harry BelafonteThe Midnight Special
US1963LPM 2596
Eddy ArnoldOur Man Down South
US1963LPM 2697In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Elvis PresleyIt Happened At The World Fair
US1963LPM 2776
Bobby BareDetroit City and other Hits by Bobby Bare
US1963LPM 2778
George Hamilton IVAbilene
US1963LSO 1081In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Bye Bye BirdieBye Bye Birdie - An Original Soundtrack Recording
US1963LSP 2609
LimelitersOur Men In San Francisco
US1963LSP 2643In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
OdettaOdetta Sings Folk Songs
US1963LSP 2822
Los Indios TabajarasMaria Elena
US1963SPS 33-223
RCA SamplerThe New Sound Of The Stars (Dynagroove)
US1963 Orig. LPLSP 2719
Chet AtkinsTeenscene
US1964LPM 1181
Eddie FisherMay I Sing To You
US1964LPM 2917
Al HirtCotton Candy (More of That Honey In the Horn)
US1964LSOD-1087In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Hello DollyThe Original Broadway Cast Recording Starring Carol Channing and David Burns (1964) Klappcover mit Schwarz-Weiss-Fotos (Original)
US1964LSP 2690
Al Hirt & Ann-MargretBeauty And The Beard
US1964LSP 2890In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Jim ReevesThe Best of Jim Reeves
US1964LSP 2951
Eddy ArnoldPop Hits From The Country Side
US1964LSP 2952
Chet Atkins and Hank SnowReminsicing
US1965Dynagroove LSP 2990In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Henry ManciniDear Heart and Other Songs About Love
US1965LPM 3420
Harry Belafonte & Miriam MakebaAn Evening with Belafonte / Makeba - Songs From Africa
US1965LPM 2935
Peter NeroPeter Nero Plays Songs You Won´t Forget
US1965LSP 3375 (e)In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Eddie FisherThe Best Of Eddie Fisher
US1965LSP 3376
Don GibsonThe Best of Don Gibson
US1965LSP 3395
Bobby BareConstant Sorrow
US1965LSP 3416
Al HirtLive At Carnegie Hall
US1965LSP 3423
The BrownsWhen Love Is Gone
US1966LPM 3547In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
SSgt Barry SadlerBallads Of The Green Berets
US1966LPM 3713In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Henry ManciniMusic Of Hawaii
US1966LSP 3374
Skeeter DavisThe Best of Skeeter Davis
US1966LSP 3409
Lorne GreeneLorne Greene´s American West
US1966LSP 3479
Bobby BareThe Best Of Bobby Bare
US1966LSP 3547
SSgt Barry SadlerBallads Of The Green Berets
US1966LSP 3590
Brook BentonMy Country
US1966LSP 3594
Don GibsonDon Gibson With Spanish Guitars
US1966LSP 3658In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Harry BelafonteCalypso in Brass
US1966LSP 6013
Henry ManciniThe Academy Award Songs - 31 "Oscar" Winners 1934 - 1964 (DLP)
US1967LPM 3823In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Len BarryMy Kind Of Soul
US1967LSP 3565
Eddy ArnoldThe Best of Eddy Arnold
US1967LSP 3773
Al HirtMusic To Watch Girls By
US1967LSP 3803In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Nick PalmerFor The First Time (Come Prima)
US1967LSP 3814
Peter NeroXochimilco
US1967LSP 3818
Chet AtkinsPicks The Best
US1967LSP 3830
Dottie WestI´ll Help You To Forget Her
US1967LSP 3887
Henry ManciniEncore - More of the Concert Sound Of Henry Mancini
US1967LSP 3900
Leon AshleyLaura (Whats He Got That I int Got)
US1968LSP 3917
Al HirtAl Hirt Plays Bert Kaempfert
US1968LSP 3935
Floyd CramerPlays Country Classics
US1968LSP 3938
Harry BelafonteSings of Love
US1968LSP 3957
Jose FelicianoFeliciano
US1968LSP 3982In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Miriam MakebaThe Best Of Miriam Makeba
US1968LSP 3991
Sam CookeThe Man Who Invented Soul (Compil.)
US1968LSP 3994
Bobby BareThe Best of Bobby Bare Volume 2
US1968LSP 4011In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Jim Ed BrownCountry´s Best On Record
US1968LSP 4022
Hugo Montenegro & his OrchestraHang em High
US1968LSP 4025
Floyd CramerClass Of 68
US1969LSP 4142In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Paul AnkaGoodnight My Love
US1969LSP 4250In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Paul AnkaLife Goes On
Bonnie TylerIt´s A Heartache
US1980AHL 1-3852
Dolly Parton9 to 5 And Odd Jobs
US1981AAL - 1-3917In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Elvis PresleyGuitar Man
US1981AFL 1-4153In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Diana RossWhy Do Fools Fall In Love
Jim ReevesThe Jim Reeves Medley
US1984AFL 1-5043In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Kenny RogersWhat About Me ?
Elvis PresleyThe Complete Sun Sessions (DLP)
USfrühe RI (Orig. 1954)LPM 1022 RE
Harry BelafonteMark Twain and Other Folk Favorites
USRI (Orig. 1958)LSP 1859 (e)In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Ames BrothersThe Best Of The Ames Brothers
USRI 1962 (Orig. 1958)LSP 2626In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Harry BelafonteTo Wish You A Merry Christmas

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RCA Victor

D1971LSP 4612In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Sacco & VanzettiAn Original Soundtrack Recording
D1978PL 25139In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Bonnie TylerThe Hits of Bonnie Tyler
D1981PL 43683
Harry BelafonteRare Belafonte
US1969LSP 4214
Zager & Evans2525 (Exorolium & Terminus)
US1971LSP 4538In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Orioles Feat. Sonny TilOld Gold New Gold
US1971LSP 4579
Elvis PresleyThe Wonderful World Of Christmas
US1971LSP 4596
Jerry ReedKo-Ko-Joe
US1971LSP 4631In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Hugo Montenegro & his OrchestraMammy Blue
US1971LSP 4631In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Hugo Montenegro & his OrchestraMammy Blue
US1971LSP 4637
Dickey LeeNever Ending Song Of Love
US1971LSP 4637In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Dickey LeeNever Ending Song Of Love
US1972LSP 4619In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Mama CassCass Elliot
US1972LSP 4630In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Henry ManciniBig Screen - Little Screen
US1972LSP 4689In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Henry ManciniThe Mancini Generation - Music From The TV Series
US1972LSP 4690In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Elvis PresleyHe Touched Me
US1972LSP 4715
Dickey LeeAshes Of Love
US1973APL 1-0173-AIn meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
David Clayton-ThomasDavid Clayton-Thomas
US1973APL 1-0323In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Hues CorporationFreedom for the Stallion
US1973APL1 0094
Harry BelafontePlay Me
US1973APL1-0238In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Jerry ReedLord, Mr. Ford
US1973LSP 4838In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Jerry ReedHot A Mighty
US1973VPSX 6093In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Various Soul-ArtistsKeep The Dream Alive - Martin Luther King (DLP)
US1974APL 1-0727In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
The TymesTrustmaker
USRI 1973 (Orig. 1967)LSP 4837In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Charley PrideSongs of Love

Logo des Labels RCA Victor

RCA Victor

CA RI (Orig 1962)LSP 2523
Elvis PresleyPot Luck
CA1965LSOD 2005In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
The Sound of MusicOriginal Soundtrack Recording of the Motion Picture Starring Julie Andrews, Music von Rodgers and Hammerstein, mit 8-stg. Heft mit Photos und Texten
CA1979 AFL 1 -3382In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Paul AnkaHeadlines
IT1977PL 42337
Waylon JenningsThis Is Waylon Jennings
US1975APL 1 - 1183
John DenverWindsong
US1975APL 1-0995
The Guess WhoPower In the Music
US1975APL1 - 1243
Dickey LeeRocky
US1975APL1 1005
Jose FelicianoJust Wanna Rock´n´Roll
US1976APL 1-1119In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
(Harry) NilssonThat´s The Way It is/
US1976APL 1-1119
(Harry) NilssonThat´s The Way It is/
US1976APL 1-1119In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
(Harry) NilssonThat´s The Way It is/
US1976APL1 - 1321
Various Country-ArtistsWanted
US1976VPL 1 2540In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Neil SedakaSedaka Live In Australia
US1978ANL1 - 3014
Jim ReevesPure Gold Volume One

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RCA Victor Living Stereo

Logo des Labels RCA Victor Living Stereo

RCA Victor Living Stereo

D1964LPM 2698
Benny GoodmanTogether Again - The Benny Goodman Quartett

Logo des Labels RCA Victor Living Stereo

RCA Victor

UK1972APL1 2260
Charlie RichBig Boss Man / Mountain Dew
US1970AFL1 - 279In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
(Harry) NilssonGreatest Hits
US1972AFL 1-4744In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
The Pipes and Drums of the Military Band of the Royal Scots Dragoon GuardsAmazing Grace
US1972VPM-6059-1In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Various Artists of the 50sThis is the era of memorable song hits - The Decade Of The 40s (DLP, NUR S.1 und 4 !))
US1973AFL 1-0374
John DenverJohn Denvers Greatest Hits
Waylon JenningsOl Waylon
US1978AFL 1-2524In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Neil SedakaThe Many Sides Of Neil Sedaka
US1980AHL 1-3604
Jerry ReedSings Jim Croce
US1984AHL 1-5319
The Judds / Wynonna JuddWhy Not Me
US1984RCA AHL1 4940
Dolly PartonThe Great Pretender
US19875916-1In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
The Judds / Wynonna JuddHeartland

Logo des Labels RCA Victor

RCA Victor Red Seal

D1978RL 12785In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
HolocaustHolocaust - The Story of The Family Weiss
UKAHLI 0046In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Carmen JonesFrom The Original Soundtrack, starring Harry Belafonte, Dorothy Dandridge with the voices of Marilyn Horne, Pearl Bailey u.a.
UK1965RB 6616In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
The Sound of MusicOriginal Soundtrack Recording of the Motion Picture Starring Julie Andrews, Music von Rodgers and Hammerstein, mit 8-stg. Heft mit Photos und Texten
USLM 2723In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Winston ChurchillThe Memory of a Great Man
US1959LM 6074-1In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
RCA Sampler60 Years of "Music Amrica Loves Best" (DLP)
US1964LM 2729
Al HirtPop Goes The Trumpet - Holiday For Brass - Al Hirt - Boston Pops - Arthur Fiedler

Logo des Labels RCA Victor Red Seal

RCA Victor

UK1956RD 27067
Eartha KittThat Bad Eartha
UK1962RD 7521
Jim ReevesA Touch of Velvet
UK1963RD 7541In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Jim ReevesGentleman Jim
UK1963RD 7575
Floyd CramerComin On
UK1963RD 7577
Jim ReevesThe International Jim Reves
UK1963RD 7630
Elvis PresleyElvis´ Golden Records Vol. 3
UK1964RD 7639
Jim ReevesMoonlight and Roses
UK1964RD 7666In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Jim ReevesThe Best of Jim Reeves
UK1964RD 7675
Bobby BareThe Travelin Bare
UK1965RD 7774In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Hank LocklinOnce Over Lighty
UK1966RD 7777
Don GibsonToo Much Hurt
UK1966RD 7824In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Harry BelafonteIn My Quiet Room
UK1966SF 7814
Jim ReevesDistant Drums
US1964RD 7665
Floyd CramerThe Best of Floyd Cramer
US1967LSP 3853
Jim Ed BrownGems by Jim Ed Brown

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RCA Victor

D45 - 9646In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Barry McGuireEve Of Destruction / What Exactly´s The Matter With You
D47-15007In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
(Little) Peggy MarchRomeo und Julia / Spar dir deine Dollar
Elvis PresleyShes Not You / Just Tell Her Jim Said Hello
D196347 - 8183In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Bobby BareDetroit City / Heart Of Ice
D196347-8280In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Al HirtJava / I Cant Get Started
D1963EPA 2822
Los Indios TabajarasMaria Elena
D196447 9537In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
(Little) Peggy MarchWenn der Silbermond / Bei dem Duden-di-dei-dei
D196447-8346In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Al HirtCotton Candy / Walkin
D1964LPM 2800In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Floyd CramerCountry Piano - City Strings
D1964LPM-9981In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Eartha KittC´est Si Bon - Die großen Erfolge
D1964RCA LPM-9981In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Eartha KittC´est Si Bon - Die großen Erfolge
D1964SVAS 1021In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Jim ReevesMoonlight and Roses
D196545 - 9646
Barry McGuireEve Of Destruction / What Exactly´s The Matter With You
D196547-9631In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
(Little) Peggy MarchMit 17 hat man noch Träume / Liebesbriefe
D196547_9608In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
The Finnish Jenka All-StarsLetkis */ Sekaletka**
D1965LSP 3356In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Henry ManciniThe Latin Sound of Henry Mancini
D196647-8739In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
SSgt Barry SadlerThe Ballad Of The Green Berets / Letter From Vietnam
D196666-1002In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
The MonkeesIm A Believer / (Im Not Your) Steppin Stone
D1966RCA Victor 47-9748
(Little) Peggy MarchMemories of Heidelberg /Male nicht gleich den Teufel an die Wand
D196747-15007In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
(Little) Peggy MarchRomeo und Julia / Spar dir deine Dollar
D196766-1012In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
The MonkeesDay Dream Believer / Goin Down
D196766-1012In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
The MonkeesDay Dream Believer / Goin Down
D196776 449
The MonkeesThe Monkees
D1967LSP 3694In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Henry ManciniMancini 67
D196845-15068In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
SteppenwolfBorn To Be Wild / Everybodys Next One
D1968LSP 3974
Don GibsonThe King Of Counrty Soul
Dwahrscheinl.196776 449 Sonderaufl. / Cover S*R International
The MonkeesThe Monkees
F1.1963 (erstveröff. 1962)430.103
Sylvie VartanSylvie
F1964430.184In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Alain BarriereA L´OLYMPIA
The Mamas & The PapasIf You Can Believe Your Eyes And Ears (Open Closet Cover)
IT196345 N 1347In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Paul AnkaDimmi subito di si (Tonight My Love Tonight) / Un ricordo per te
IT196345N-1278In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Paul AnkaOgni Giorno (Love Me Warm and Tender Dear)/ Voglio Sapere
IT196345N-1333In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Paul AnkaChitarra, vino e amore (A Steel Guitar And A Glass Of Wine) / Piangero per te
IT1963LPM 2700In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Duane EddyChitarra Uragano
IT1963RCA Italiana PML 10350In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Rita PavoneRita Pavone
IT196445 N - 1395In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Paul AnkaOgni Volta / Stasera resta con me
IT196445N-1385In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Paul AnkaIl Tuo Compleanno / Gli Amici e Tu
IT196445N-1399In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Paul AnkaEstate senza te/Domani prendo il primo treno
IT50er JahreLPM 10113
Sons Of the PioneersCanzoni des West
UK1959RD 27158
Don GibsonThat Gibson Boy
UK1962RD 7518In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Floyd CramerI Remember Hank Williams

Logo des Labels RCA Victor


UK1958rd 27.105
Bing CrosbyFancy Meeting You Here (mit Rosemary Clooney)
UK1960RD 27171
Elvis PresleyElvis Is Back
UK1961RD 27220In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Norman Luboff ChorThis Is Norman Luboff

Logo des Labels RCA

RCA Victor

Logo des Labels RCA Victor

RCA International (Camden)

D1970INTS 1012In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Elvis PresleyElvis Sings Flaming Star
D1971INTS 1241In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Elvis PresleyYou´ll Never Walk Alone
D1973INTS 1436
Miriam MakebaForbidden Games
D1975PJL 1-8027
Various Country-ArtistsThe Best Of Country and West Volume 6
D1976PJL1-8111 (26.21744 AE)In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Josephine BakerA Memory
D1977CL 42064In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Paul AnkaMore Superhits (Take Off Reihe)
D1981NL 43600
Paul AnkaRare Anka Vol. 1
NLRI 1979 (Orig. 1963)NL43114 (The Originals)In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Joe WilliamsAt Newport 63

Logo des Labels RCA International (Camden)

RCA International

D1981NL 43600In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Paul AnkaRare Anka Vol. 1

Logo des Labels RCA International

RCA Italiana

IT10/1958LOP 1007
Perry ComoComos Golden Records
IT195845 N 0710In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Perry ComoBeats There A Heart So True / Moon Talk
IT1964PM 45 3261
Jimmy FontanaMa che ci faccio / O te o nessuna
ITMärz 1960LPM 2075
Elvis PresleyElvis´ Gold Records Vol. 2 50,000,000 Elvis Fans Can´t Be Wrong

Logo des Labels RCA Italiana

RCA Italiana

IT1963 PM 45 3163,
Rita PavoneCome te non ce nessuno / Clementine cherie
IT1963PML 10352
Various International ArtistsSuccessi Estate RCA 1963
ITRI (1964) (Orig. 1963)PML 10360In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Rita PavoneNon e facile avere 18 anni

Logo des Labels RCA Italiana


Logo des Labels RCA


UK1961RD 27248
John D. LoudermilkThe Language Of Love

Logo des Labels RCA

RCA Victor

US 19876408-1-RIn meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Dirty DancingOriginal Motion-Picture Soundtrack,
US1985AHL1 7042
The Judds / Wynonna JuddRockin With The Rhythm

Logo des Labels RCA Victor

RCA Victor

D1963LSO 1146
Tommy SteeleHalf A Sixpence
D1967LSP 3873 (e)
Glenn Miller & His OrchestraThe Chesterfield Broadcasts Volume 1

Logo des Labels RCA Victor

Rebel Rec

NLk.A.RE 118In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Chubby CheckerThe Best of Chubby Checker


Logo des Labels Regal

Regal Starline

UK1970 SRS 5023
Lee DorseyThe Best of Lee Dorsey
UK1970SRS 5021
Various Country-ArtistsCapitols Country Festival
UK1970SRS 5031In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Cliff RichardLive At The Talk Of The Town

Logo des Labels Regal Starline


UKREG 1010
Dean MartinDean Martin
UK1958REG 1013
Joe LossIn The Mood For Dancing
UK1966SREG 1001
Tex RitterSongs Of The Golden West
UK1967REG 1075
Freddie & The DreamersSee You Later Alligator
UKRI (Orig. 1957)SREG 2071
Golden Gate QuartettSpirituals

Logo des Labels REGAL


US8001In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
The MoonglowsOne More Time

Relic Records

USRelic 103In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Various Artists of the 60sThe Best Of Acappella Vol. 3


US1959S 1309
Ernie FieldsIn the Mood


CA1959RLP 613
Sam CookeHit Kit

Logo des Labels Reo


D196410 590 AT
Trini LopezGreen Geen / Bye Bye Blackbird
D1967RA 0595In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Nancy SinatraYou Only Live Twice * / Jackson (with Lee Hazlewood)
F1963artone Funckler RR 27.038In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Trini LopezThis Land Is Your Land / Cielito Lino
F1963RVEP60.034In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Trini LopezSurf (EP)
F1967RV 20141In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Frank SinatraDont Sleep In The Subway / Some Enchanted Evening
F1967RVEP 60 107 (2310),In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Frank SinatraThe World We Knew (EP)
NL1964RR 27.063In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Dean MartinEverybody Loves Somebody / A Little Voice
Nancy SinatraThese Boots Are Made For Walking / The City Never Sleeps At Night
US1966R 6238 (promotion cop)
Trini LopezIn London
US19676268In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Brook BentonLaura What´s He Got
US1967R 6245 White Label promotion
Charles AznavourHis Kind Of Love Songs
Jimi HendrixOtis Redding & Jimi Hendrix Experience at Monterey Poip Festival

Logo des Labels Reprise


D1972REP 64010-1/2
Dean MartinThe Most Beautiful Songs of Dean Martin (DLP)
D1975REP 64029
Trini LopezThe Most Beautiful Songs of Trini Lopez (Doppel-LP)

Logo des Labels Reprise


CA1964 F 2021
Robin And The 7 HoodsOriginal Score from The Motion Picture Musical

Logo des Labels Reprise


DClub Ed Deutscher Schallplalltenclub H 241
Sammy Davis Jr.Sammy Davis Jr.
D1969RS 6320
Dean MartinDean Martin´s Greatest Hits Volume 2
UK 1963R 6093In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Trini LopezAt PJs - Recorded Live
UK1964R 6142
Keely SmithJohn Lennon - Paul McCartney Songbook
UK1964R 6142In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Keely SmithJohn Lennon - Paul McCartney Songbook
UK1964RS 6134In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Trini LopezLive At Basin St. East
UK1965R 6147
Trini LopezThe Folk Album
UK1966R 6196
Trini LopezTrini
UK1970RLP 6226In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Trini LopezGreatest Hits
UK1970RS 6226
Trini LopezGreatest Hits
US1963R 6095
Sammy Davis Jr.Salutes The Stars of the London Palladium
US1964F 2017In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Kiss Me KateReprise Musical Repertory Theatre Presents Cole Porters Kiss Me Kate

Logo des Labels Reprise


AUS1967R 6264
Sammy Davis Jr.Sings the Complete Dr. Dolittle
DSBP 1079 C Sonderaufl. Deutscher Schallplatten Club J 144
Various Artists of the 60sNight in Las Vegas
D 196370 758 IT
Trini LopezAt PJs - Recorded Live
D1964 RS 6165In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Trini LopezThe Love Album
D1965RS 6147In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Trini LopezThe Folk Album
D1965RS 6153
Count BasiePop Goes The Basie
D1965RS 6171
Trini LopezThe Rhythm & Blues Album
D1965S 72 179 IT (Ariola Pop Series)In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Trini LopezThe Folk Album
D1966CRV 6058In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
A Man Called AdamOriginal Motion Picture Soundtrack
D1966RS 6215
Trini Lopezthe Second Latin Album
D1968RS 6300
Trini LopezWelcome To Trini Country
ES1964R 6125
Trini LopezThe Latin Album
ES1966HRES 291-06 (Stereo LP i Cover von Mono Version)
Sammy Davis Jr.Sammy Davis Jr. y Buddy Rich
F1963RV 6022 (R 6103)In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Trini LopezMore Trini Lopez At PJ´s, Vol. 2
F1968CRV 6084
Sammy Davis Jr.Sammy Davis Greatest Hits
UK1966RLPS 6242
Dean MartinHappiness is Dean Martin
USFS 2016
Guys And DollsReprise Musical Repertory Theatre Frank Loesser´s Guys And Dolls
US1961R 6033
Sammy Davis Jr.All-Star Spectatcular - Impersonating
US1961R 6051
Sammy Davis Jr.What Kind Of Fool Am I and other Show-Stoppers
US1961R 9-6050
Shorty RogersBossa Noiva - Shorty Rogers And His Giants (
US1963FS 2018
South PacificSouth Pacific (Studio Aufn. Reprise Musical Repertory Theatre)
US1963R 9-6085
Dean MartinTex Rides Again
US1964FS 2017
Kiss Me KateReprise Musical Repertory Theatre Presents Cole Porters Kiss Me Kate
US1964R 6140In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Dean MartinThe Door Is Still Open To My Heart
US1964RS 6131
Sammy Davis Jr.Sings The Big Ones For Young Lovers
US1964RS 6134In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Trini LopezLive At Basin St. East
US1965 RS 6125In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Trini LopezThe Love Album
Dean MartinWelcome To My World
US1965R 6123
Dean MartinDream With Dean - The Intimate Dean Martin
US1965R 6188 (Mono-LP in Cover der Stereo Version)
Sammy Davis Jr.The Sammy Davis Jr. Show - with Surprise Guest Stars
US1965RS 6157
Charles AznavourHis Love Songs in English
US1965RS 6170In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Dean Martin(Remember Me) I´m The One Who Loves You
US1965RS 6285
Trini LopezThe Sing-along World of Trini Lopez
US1965RS 6346
Dean MartinDean Martin Hits Again
US1965RS 6346
Dean MartinDean Martin Hits Again
US19666219In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Don HoYou´re Gonna Hear From Me (NUR COVER)
US1966R 6215In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Trini LopezThe Second Latin Album
US1966R 6233
Dean MartinThe Dean Martin TV-Show
US1966RS 6218
Duane EddyThe Biggest Twang of Them All
US1967RS 6251In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Nancy SinatraCountry My Way
US1967RS 6255
Trini LopezNow
US1967RS 6255In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Trini LopezNow
US1968RS 6285
Trini LopezIt´s A Great Live
US1978R 6211In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Dean MartinDean Martin Sings Songs From The Silencers

Logo des Labels Reprise


D1965RS 6054
Dean MartinDino Latino
D196844 046In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Miriam MakebaPata Pata
D1968CRV 6098 (Vogue)In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Dean MartinGentle On My Mind
D1968RS 6330 D (Bunte Musik für Dich)
Dean MartinGentle On My Mind
D1968RS 6274In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Miriam MakebaPata Pata
D1969 RS 6326In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
The VoguesTill
D1969SBP 1230 C
Trini LopezTrini Lopez (Deutscher Schallplattenclub)
Frank SinatraLes Disques dor de la chanson: Frank Sinatra
F 1963CRV 6021In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Trini LopezAt PJs - Recorded Live
Frank SinatraFrank Sinatra´s Greatest Hits
UK1962RS 6164
Sammy Davis Jr.The Nat King Cole Songbook
UK1971K 14093In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Nancy Sinatra & Lee HazlewoodDid You Ever / Back On The Road
USRS 6130
Dean MartinEverybody Loves Somebody
USRS 6357In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Don HoGreatest Hits
USRS 6357
Don HoGreatest Hits
US1968RS 6337
Trini LopezThe Whole Enchilada
US1969FS 1029
Frank SinatraMy Way
US1969RS 6361In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Trini LopezThe Trini Lopez Show with Nancy Ames and The Ventures
US1969SW 93040 (Club Ed.)In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
The VoguesThe Vogues Greatest Hits
US1970RS 6403
Dean MartinMy Woman, My Woman, My Wife

Logo des Labels Reprise/Warner

Reprise Ariola

D196310 528 ATIn meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Trini LopezKansas City / Lonesome Traveller

Logo des Labels Reprise Ariola


CA1962R 1008
Frank SinatraSinatra - Basie - An Historic Musical First
UK1963R 1010
Frank SinatraSinatra´s Sinatra - A Collection of Frank´s Favorites - Newly Recorded
UK1966RSLP 1019/1-2
Frank SinatraSinatra At The Sands (DLP)
UK1967RSLP 1021In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Frank SinatraFrancis Albert Sinatra & Antonio Carlos Jobim
US1961R 1003
Frank SinatraI Remember Tommy ....
US1966 R 9-1016/1-1
Frank SinatraA Man ansd his Music

Logo des Labels Reprise


Count BasieThis Time By Basie - Hits- of The 50s ND 60s
UK1962R 6063
Sammy Davis Jr.At The Cocoanut Groove (DLP)
UK1964R 6144In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Sammy Davis Jr.When The Feeling Hits You - Sammy Davis Meets Sam Butera and The Witnesses
Duke EllingtonPlays Walt Disneys Mary Poppins
UK1965R 6201
Dean MartinSomewhere There´s A Someone
UK1967RSLP 6267
Arlo GuthrieAlice´s Restaurant
UK1968RS LP6300In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Trini LopezWelcome To Trini Country
USvor 1964R 9-6096
Sammy Davis Jr.A Treasury of Golden Hits

Logo des Labels Reprise

Reprise Records

CA1968RS 6336
Jethro TullThis Was
D63 042 Club Sonderaufl.
Dean MartinYou´re The Best Thing That Ever Happened To Me
DREP 44138
Fleetwood MacThe Best of Fleetwood Mac
D1971REP 14140
Neil YoungHeart Of Gold / Sugar Mountain
D1971REP 44140
Kenny Rogers and the First EditionTransition
D1972RA 0606In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Miriam MakebaPata Pata /The Ballad Of The Sad Young Man
D1972RA 0606
Miriam MakebaPata Pata /The Ballad Of The Sad Young Man
D1972REP 14 187In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Marion (Maerz)Es ist so gut / Wach ich oder träum ich
D197363 042 Club Sonderaufl.In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Dean MartinYou´re The Best Thing That Ever Happened To Me
D1974REP 14 369 (N)In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Rentnerband*Hamburger Deern (Liverpool Lou) / Ich pfeif auf die Rente
D1974REP 14 369 (N)In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Rentnerband*Hamburger Deern (Liverpool Lou) / Ich pfeif auf die Rente
D1974REP 44 265
Rentnerband*Alles Klar
D1974REP 44 266In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Verschiedene InterpretenHamburger Szene
F1967RV 20 138In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Trini LopezLa Bamba Part 1 + 2
F197414.326In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Frank SinatraBad Bad Leroy Brwon / I´m Gonna Make It All The way
UKRI (Orig. 1963)K 4401
Frank SinatraThe Concert Sinatra
US1960RS 6199
Tom LehrerAn Evening Wasted With Tom Lehrerr - recorded during a concert performance
US1970RS 6409
Nancy SinatraNancy Sinatra´s Greatest Hits
US1971RS 6437In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Kenny Rogers and the First EditionGreatest Hits
US1972MS 2060
Arlo GuthrieHobos Lullabye
US1972REP 1103
Arlo GuthrieThe City Of New Orleans / Days Are Short
US1972REP 1103In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Arlo GuthrieThe City Of New Orleans / Days Are Short
US1972RFC 1034
Frank SinatraFrank Sinatra´s Greatest Hits Vol. 3 (2)
USRI (Orig.1964)RS 6130In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Dean MartinEverybody Loves Somebody
USRI 1972 (Orig. 1967)RS 6260In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
The KinksThe Live Kinks

Logo des Labels Reprise Records

Request Records

NLk.A.R.R.L.P. 004
I´ll Always Remember20 Great Oldies Vol. 4

Logo des Labels Request Records

Request Rec.

NLR.R.L.P. 007In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
I´ll Always Remember20 Great Oldies Vol. 7
NL1972RRLP 003In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
I´ll Always Remember20 Great Oldies Vol. 3

Revival Records

EURI (Orig. 1963)3009In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
The SensationsLet Me In / Music Music Music


US1970RNLP 160
The TurtlesGreatest Hits
US1972R1 70919
Little Anthony & The ImperialsThe Best of
US1985RNDA 1499
Jerry Lee LewisMilestones (2 LP-set)
US1985RNLP 215In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Rick NelsonGreatest Hits
US1986RNFP 71494In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
The Neville BrothersTreacherous - A History Of The Neville Brothers 1955 - 1985(DLP)
US1986RNLP 70071
Various Artists of the 60sBeatle Originals
US1987RNLP 70185In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Billy Vera and Judy ClayBilly Vera and July Clay - The Atlantic Years 1967 - 1970 (NUR COVER !)
US1989R1 71488In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
The Righteous BrothersAnthology 1962 - 1974
USRI 1986RNLP 70858
Billy VeraBy Request - with The Beaters (Live)

Logo des Labels rhino


UK1978RVLP 8In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Rod StewartBlondes Have More Fun


US RLP 12-102
New Orleans Rhythm Kings N.O.R.K. New Orleans Rhythm Kings with Jelly Roll Morton
US1963RM 3524
Staple SingersThis Land

Logo des Labels Riverside


D1969M 25 145 (Cover Metronome)In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
David Alexandre WinterOh Lady Mary (deutsch) / Schau schau hinter den Dünen
D1969RLP 16003In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
David Alexandre WinterOh Lady Mary
F231.340In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
David Alexandre WinterOh Lady Mary
IT77021In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
David Alexandre WinterOh Lady Mary (italienisch) / Chi (La Priere)
IT1968SIF NP 77014
Peter HolmMonya (versione italiana) / My Prayer

Logo des Labels Riviera

Rock Machine


UK1985EJS 912In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Elton JohnNikita / The Man Who Never Died / Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word* / I´m Still Standing*

Rocket Rec.Co

D19826302 180 (LC3053)
Elton JohnJump Up
NL1984822 088-1
Elton JohnBreaking Hearts
NL1984822 088-1In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Elton JohnBreaking Hearts
UK1983811 052-1
Elton JohnToo Low For Zero
UK1987ejlp 2
Elton JohnLive in Australia with the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra - Doppel-LP

Logo des Labels Rocket Rec.Co

Rocket Record Company

B19764 C 006-97 939In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Elton John and Kiki DeeDon´t Go Breaking My Heart / Snow Queen
D19761 C 006-97 939In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Elton John and Kiki DeeDon´t Go Breaking My Heart / Snow Queen
D19761 C 006-97 939
Elton John and Kiki DeeDon´t Go Breaking My Heart / Snow Queen
D19761 C 188-98 293/94In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Elton JohnBlue Movies (DLP)
F19762 C 010-97 939In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Elton John and Kiki DeeDon´t Go Breaking My Heart / Snow Queen
UKPIG 40 543In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Neil SedakaLove In th Shadows / Dont Let It Mess Your Mind
UK1974MCA 463In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Neil SedakaSedaka Is Back
US1975PIG 2157In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Neil SedakaThe Hungry Years
US1976PIG 2210In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Cliff RichardI´m Nearly Famous

Logo des Labels Rocket Record Company

Rockin Rec.


UK1982RSR-LP 1006In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Eddie CochranThe Young Eddie Cochran
UK1988RSR-LP 1017In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Johnny BurnetteWere Having A Party (Compilation)

Logo des Labels Rockstar

Rocky Road Records


Roll.St. Rec.

D1973RS 19 105In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
The Rolling StonesAngie / Silver Train
NL1986CBSA 6864In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
The Rolling StonesHarlem Shuffle / Had It With You
US1986OC 40250In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
The Rolling StonesDirty Work

Rolling Stones Records

Logo des Labels Rolling Stones Records

Rolling Stones Records

Logo des Labels Rolling Stones Records




USR 25 180
Dinah WashingtonIn Love
US1962SR 25170In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Dinah WashingtonDinah 62
US1963R 25 189
Dinah WashingtonBack To The Blues
US1963R 25208In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Lou ChristieLou Christie

Logo des Labels Roulette


D1961RL 4401
Joey Dee and the StarlightersOriginal Peppermint Twist Part I and Part II
D1961 (Orig.)RL 4401In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Joey Dee and the StarlightersOriginal Peppermint Twist Part I and Part II

Logo des Labels Roulette


Logo des Labels Roulette


Jimmie Rodgers (Pop)The Number One Ballads

Logo des Labels Roulette


NL1962+TLP 1350 / MGRL 9411
Joey Dee and the StarlightersDoin´ The Twist At The Peppermint Lounge
NZ19581102. lic. by La Gloria AucklandIn meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Jimmie Rodgers (Pop)The Folk Song World of Jimmie Rodgers
US1958 R 25057
Jimmie Rodgers (Pop)His Golden Year
US1958 R 25106In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Various Artists of the 60sThe Original Hit Records
Jimmie Rodgers (Pop)Jimmie Rodgers
Jimmie Rodgers (Pop)Sings Folk Songs
US1958SR 25 150In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Jimmie Rodgers (Pop)The Folk Song World of Jimmie Rodgers
US1960R 25137In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Ronnie HawkinsRonnie Hawkins Sings The Songs Of Hank Williams
US1962R 25157In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
The Barry SistersShalom

Logo des Labels Roulette


D1979200626In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
The PlaymatesThe Story of Rock and Roll

Logo des Labels Roulette


D200 635
Tommy JamesThe Story of Pop
D1961Roulette R 52065
Count BasieBasie At Birdland
D1969DV 14824In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Tommy James & ShondellsCrimson and Clover / Some Kind of Love
D1979200 628-241
The EssexThe Story of Rock and Roll
FVG 405 5000010In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Joe WilliamsEveryday I Have The Blues
F1964VR 56017
Sarah VaughanSnowbound
USR 25244
Dinah WashingtonIn Tribute
USSR 25260
Dinah WashingtonThe World Of Dinah Washington - The Queen Of The Blues
US19,64R 25246In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
The EssexYoung & Lively (Anita Human With The Essex)
US1960SR 52052
Billy EckstineNo Cover No Minimum
US1963R 25207In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Golden Goodies (Roulette Sampler)Golden Goodies Vol. 1
US1963R 25234
The EssexEasier Said Than Done
US1963R 25235In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
The EssexA Walkin´ Miracle
US1963RS 25208
Lou ChristieLou Christie (Stereo)
US1963SR 25220In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Dinah WashingtonDinah 63
US1964R-25241In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Golden Goodies (Roulette Sampler)Golden Goodies Vol. 16
US1964SR 52104 (Birdland Series)In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Sarah VaughanThe Lonely Hours
US1965SR 52118In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Sarah VaughanSarah + 2 (NUR COVER)
US1966SR 25294In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Little Anthony & The ImperialsThe Greatest Hits of Liitle Anthony And The Imperials
US1969SR 42039
Clarence Frogman HenryAlive And Well Living In New Orleans
US1971SR 3001In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Tommy JamesChristian Of the World
US1971SR 3001In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Tommy JamesChristian Of the World
USRISR 42041
Alan FreedAlan Freeds Memory Lane
USRI (Orig. 1962)R 25350
Shep And The LimelitesOur Anniversary

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B19772090 272In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
The Bee GeesNight Fever / Down The Road
B19772090 272In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
The Bee GeesNight Fever / Down The Road
D19802394 258In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Jimmy RuffinSunrise
UK1973SO 404
The Bee GeesWouldn´t I Be Someone / Elisa
UK1975SINGL 1 (2299n 001)
RSO SamplerRSO Prime Cuts (25 cm)

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The Bee GeesBee Gees
D19732394 121In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Eric ClaptonDie Eric Clapton Story
D1977Cover 2658 123 /Label 2479199/200In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Saturday Night FeverThe Original Movie Soundtrack , Doppel-LP mit Bee Gees, M.F.S.B., Kool & The Gang u.a.
The Bee GeesStaying Alive - The Orig. Motion Pict. Sound Track
IT19812394 301In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
The Bee GeesLiving Eyes
Georgie Fame20 Beat Classics
US1974SO 425In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Eric ClaptonI Shot The Sherif / Willie And The Hand Jive
US1978RS 1-3040In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
Moment By MomentThe Original Soundtrack From The Motion Picture Starring Lily Tomlin and John Travolta
US1978RS 2 - 4100
Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band (Peter Frampton)
US1978RS 2-4002In meinem Secondhand-lp-Angebot vorhanden
GreaseThe Original Soundtrack From the Motion Picture

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Rüssl Räckords

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